Heard on the Tom/Toms

Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  3/20/24      www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com


Last week the California Political News and Views reported that Adam Schiff started raising money to defend SIX incumbent Democrat U.S. Senators.  Now he is announcing his effort to defeat FOUR California incumbent Members of Congress.

This is part of a Schiff email of March 18:

“Today, I’m asking you to pitch in $5 to split with us and four California Democrats running for Congress in Red-to-Blue races: Adam Gray (CA-13), Rudy Salas (CA-22), George Whitesides (CA-27), and Will Rollins (CA-41).

Pitch in $5 today. These races alone could be enough to control Congress >>


steve, control of the House comes down to just a handful of seats — and California is home to multiple competitive races.

Cook Political Report names four GOP-held districts as toss-ups. If we flip those four seats from red to blue, we can retake the gavel from Kevin McCarthy’s replacement, Republican Speaker Mike Johnson.

That would be huge, steve.”

He can do this because he spent $10 million on ads selecting a GOP opponent for November.  Had he not done that he would have faced Katie Porter.  Between the two of them, $50 million would have been spent on THAT election—and Schiff would be able to raise tens of millions to defend Democrats and defeat Republicans.  He was strategic, the GOP leadership was not.

This is a good lesson for us to learn—like the Democrats we need to be strategic.  We need to be strategic while looking at the 2026 Governors race.  Do we want the Democrats to pick our nominees?  The Ohio Democrats are trying the same scheme is “helping” the GOP select its candidate for Senate.  Will it work again?

With over 200,000 votes still to be counted, Prop. 1 is winning by under 20,000 votes.  The proponents spent $21 million and the opponents spent under $50,000.  This is an amazing result.  Too bad folks did not pay attention—if passed this will cost us almost $13 billion while the State has a $73 billion deficit.

Prop. 1 backers and foes both seek count of thousands of disqualified ballots — Opponents and proponents of Governor Gavin Newsom’s Prop. 1 mental health bond measure are seeking to correct rejected ballots from the March 5 primary — usually rejected due to a voter’s missing signature or a mismatched signature — as the fate of Prop. 1 hangs by a razor-thin margin. Clara Harter in the Los Angeles Daily News$ — 3/19/24

Jobs are not coming back to Silicon Valley.  This decision shows the tech companies understand growth in this region is not going to happen.  So, now they will sell off property and become developers instead.  Good financial decision.

Hundreds of homes may replace part of huge Silicon Valley tech campus — Several hundred homes could be built on a large chunk of a huge tech campus in the South Bay, a proposal that points to the ongoing and relentless shift in the Bay Area’s economy and real estate sector. George Avalos in the San Jose Mercury$ — 3/19/24

The climate Change scam is going to cost the consumer plenty.  Just the truck charging stations will cost ONE TRILLION DOLLARS.  Who pays for that?  The cost of new vehicles, though the old ones still have many years of life in them, who pays for that?  Literally California will be the cause of a massive inflation nationwide, just one this one scam.

What will shift to zero-emission trucks cost? $1 trillion for charging alone, study says — The study, sponsored by the freight truck industry, adds to concerns over government mandates. But government officials say the move away from fossil fuels will have economic benefits. Russ Mitchell in the Los Angeles Times$ — 3/19/24

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(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)