Heard on the Tom/Toms

Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  4/26/24      www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

Useful Idiot or Democrat plant. We report. You decide.

Los Angeles County Chairman Tim O’Reilly, at a recent meeting of the County Chairman’s Association, announced his sponsorship of a bylaw proposal at the upcoming CRP convention in Burlingame. His purpose? It will put Republicans back on the “winning” track. So far, I’m with him.

O’Reilly’s novel approach is to limit the number of delegates that “losers” can appoint to the State Central Committee. Wow, why hasn’t anyone else thought of this? Limit the “losers” and their delegates and the “winners” take over. His view is that our failure to be relevant in this state is not a broken brand, “the pale pastels” of watered down principles, neglecting to register new Republicans, disenfranchising Republican voters in unwinnable districts or deserting candidates. No, the problem is we have too many losers and delegates of losers. We need to raise the bar!

Every nominee must climb a high bar before they can appoint any delegates. The “winners” do it. Why not the “losers”? Plus, they need to be separated from the winners—the ones who pay the consultants, the real raison de terre for the Party.  Cut the delegate allocation of “losers” in half or more than would be the case under the current bylaws, assuming the same vote total and they’ll go away.  

The future of the Republican Party in California is to support, focus on and cater to the “winners”. Too many in our party have the wrong mindset, don’t you know. That’s why we have to get rid of them. Never mind that Republicans as a Party are irrelevant in California. Never mind that Democrats say they win the national popular vote for President because the California Republican Party allows them to run up the score.

No, the reality is that our Republican “winners” cannot stop the damage Democrats are doing to our State. We cannot even muster the 1/3 vote it takes to stop state budgets and tax increases.

No Tim O’Reilly is just re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. He ignores the building blocks it takes to win majorities—raising money, registering voters, focusing on issues voters care about, getting out the Republican vote, even if it takes 30 days—and puts the focus on “winners”. The problem is that the only place Republicans win in California is where Republican registration is over 40%, and that is nowhere in Los Angeles County.

So, how does this new strategy of supporting only “winners” look in practice? Here are a few examples of O’Reilly’s leadership in Los Angeles County where building a Republican farm team is critical:

  1. Four years ago, Tim O’Reilly led the effort to SECRETLY endorse Jackie Lacey for Los Angeles County District Attorney rather than recruit a Republican to run for District Attorney. Los Angeles County ended up with George Gascón.
  2. After former Republican Sheriff Jim McDonnell switched his registration, Democrat Alex Villanueva, another Sheriff candidate, started showing up the Republican Party meetings. After the disaster with Lacey (she wouldn’t use the endorsement), the endorsement effort fizzled.
  3. This year’s Los Angeles County District Attorney’s race had only one Republican candidate among the dozen running, but he wasn’t O’Reilly’s choice. O’Reilly didn’t lift a finger to help and actually blocked consideration when it would have mattered. Why?  Because O’Reilly supports Nathan Hochman, a never Trumper, who denounced the GOP and walked away from the Republican Party. Next Monday, Hochman will speak to the LAGOP at O’Reilly’s invitation.  What does this tell Republicans running for office?

Then we have the CAGOP platform. As chair of this year’s drafting committee, Chairman O’Reilly oversaw the effort to take out illegal immigration, seniors, agriculture, pro-life planks from the GOP Platform. Why?  Because they are “loser” issues.

He didn’t care about our candidates being left with the “no win” choice of either separating from the Party or defending a Platform without principle or values. But the delegates understood that his draft platform would have harmed our candidates. They threw the draft platform out faster than a howitzer drops a shell casing when the breach is opened after firing.

Army Reserve Officer O’Reilly’s bylaw submission is nothing short of an IED.  He literally wants to eliminate 1/6 of our Party’s delegates. He wants a smaller, more controllable Republican Party because it’s not about winning, it’s about control. In his view, the grassroots will ruin the Party. Better to throw out the “riff raff” or troublemakers. Win by shrinking!

Currently the CAGOP has approximately 1440 delegates.  The California Democrat Party has over 3200.  Which one is winning and which one is losing?  O’Reilly if allowed, will limit the size of our Army.  Who does that help?  Certainly not Republicans.

 Useful Idiot or Democrat plant. We report. You decide.


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(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)

One thought on “HEARD ON THE TOM/TOMS

  1. The Republican party in California is lying on its death bed. Only the machines are keeping it alive. The only republicans left in California are RINOS with a few exceptions who cannot affect anything.

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