Heard on the Tom/Toms

Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  5/21/24      www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

Steve Hilton:  Real World Fixes to California Problems

Steve Hilton leads a California Think Tank, Golden Thought. They just published a document with 45 fixes to

 California problems.  Unlike others in the public square, he not only identifies our problems, he offers real world solutions.

If you want to see the document about the Business Climate, go here: https://goldentogether.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/GT_The-Business-Climate-3.pdf?utm_source=stevehiltonshow.beehiiv.com&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=restoring-the-california-dream

If you want to read the Executive Summary, go here:

  1. https://goldentogether.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Restoring-a-Hospitable-Business-Climate_One-Pager.pdf

Archie Bunker Tells the TRUTH about the Democrat Party

This is “Archie Bunker” on the Democrat Party.  Guess he knew 30 years ago about Biden and the wacky Progressives. 

He was ahead of his time –  Pass it on. (h/t to Dean K)   https://youtu.be/R2w-kNI29k0?si=94TXnD8Tmjq4CtYu  

CRP Convention—The Facts—No commentary is needed

  1.  The CRP Board tried to unendorsed two GOP nominees.  Two years ago they unendorsed five candidates.  This time a majority voted NO on unendorsements.
  2. There are 1487 delegates to the CRP

There will 522 in person delegates

There were 584 PROXIES

At the last convention the CRP passed a Platform that included marriage is between a man and a woman.

At this convention on Sunday they voted “neutral” on ACA 5—which puts into the Constitution same sex marriage.  Which position is the California Republican Party position

Separately, on Saturday night, while the CRP had Laura Trump as a speaker, the Tea Party had 195 people at a dinner, $125 a plate, at a restaurant 11 minutes form the hotel, in Millbrae, next to Burlingame.  The speaker was John Eastman.

Newspaper to OFFICALLY be run by government in California

Skelton: News business needs help in California. Is government the answer? — Newspapers are dying. That’s old news. What’s new is that in California, they may get some state government life support. George Skelton in the Los Angeles Times$ — 5/20/24

This is how you chase productive, successful people out of California.  Create a horrendous tax on a home—force them to move.  This also decreases the value of the home, meaning lower property tax revenues—adding to the deficit.

Own a second home in South Lake Tahoe? Proposed vacancy tax could cost you thousands a year — Taxing vacant homes has divided voters in South Lake Tahoe, often pitting young workers who can’t afford to plant roots in South Lake Tahoe against older, Bay Area-based vacation-home owners. J.K. Dineen in the San Francisco Chronicle$ — 5/20/24

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As you know over the past couple of months the California Political News and Views has completely revitalized our web site.  It is fresher, easier to navigate and more visually appealing.  The new website url is www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

It is the premier conservative newsletter in the State.  It is read by elected officials from San Diego to the Oregon border, the media, grassroots leaders, most of the member of the Republican Party in California.  Leaders and members of volunteer organizations

We will be also able to take advertising for the newsletter.  If you are running for office and want immediate attention by conservatives, the California Political News and Views is the place to have your digital ad.  We will take only ONE candidate per race and only ONE side on ballot measures.  Want to let people know you are circulating a ballot measure—this is the place.

For more information, contact me at [email protected]

(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)