Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views, 6/7/22
QUOTE OF THE DAY: You may have noted that Peter Navarro was indicted by the openly corrupt Department of Justice. Before him people like Steve Bannon and Gen. Flynn among others had been indicted. It reminds me of a quote from Adlai Stevenson, twice the Democrat nominee for President and Ambassador to the United Nations:
“In the future people will be judged not based on their sterling records, but their criminal records”. Go Peter!! Glad you are standing up to the Soviet style DOJ and Congressional Democrats, like the lying cheat Adam Schiff and the buffoon of the House, Eric Swalwell.

Who says California does not have any voter fraud? The California Republican did a data search after the November 2020. I do not have the full report—though they should share it with Republicans, the public, the Attorney General, County District Attorneys, the Secretary of State and County Registrar of Voters. Why haven’t they given that complete report to those officials?
But here are the findings on one of the data search for the November, 2020 election:
- There were 64,000 voters that receives at least two ballots.
- That means 32,000 received two ballots
- Of the 32,000, 7,000 voted twice
- This information was turned over to the Registrar of Voters in each of the counties.
- As best as can be told, of the 7,000 who illegally voted twice, not a single prosecution.
- How many of those people now feel safe to vote twice today and again in November?
- Any surprise? Climate change is a buzzword for the Sovietization of California, CAP-AND-SHADE — “Climate controversy: California’s plan for handling crisis is flawed, advisors say,” by CalMatters’ Nadia Lopez: “In this year’s highly-anticipated climate policy blueprint, some critics say the state agency has not been transparent on how it plans to achieve its goals. The process has left legislators and others at the forefront of the climate discussion confused over the air board staff’s projections. “
- Hypocrites!! I bet these people—probably a D.C. based lobbying group, are complaining about the high cost of gas. “UNDER FIRE — “State officials draw fire after approving new oil wells in L.A. neighborhood,” by the LATimes’ Tony Briscoe: “In the latest broadside against petroleum extraction in Los Angeles — the nation’s largest urban oil field — residents of Wilmington have accused Warren E&P of in effect evading proper environmental review. They are demanding that city officials block construction of up to six new wells approved by the state.”
- As of June 4, only 13% returned their ballot. Norally in a gubernatorial year it is between 24 and 35%. Voter suppression—or people realize in the Soviet Union it does not matter if you vote? “Is it ‘election fatigue’? Early voter turnout in California’s primary is dismal so far — Judy Nguyen is frustrated that anyone with enough money or the right connections can run as a candidate in an election. She’s disappointed she hasn’t seen immediate, tangible change under President Biden. And she feels for Americans who are trying to survive in an era where gas prices are skyrocketing and baby formula is scarce. But she realizes she’s also part of the problem. Seema Mehta, Priscella Vega, Terry Castleman in the Los Angeles Times$ — 6/6/22
(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “Tom/Tom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)