Heard on the Tom/Toms

Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  1/20/25      www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com


This is not a story about Democrats using intimidation to suppress the vote.  It is not about the DNC using attorneys to overturn election results.  It is not about Democrats using illegal votes to change the outcome of an election.  It is not about Democrats changing the rules to affect the outcome of an election.  Democrats will threaten to bankrupt you personally (lawfare) or your committee.

This is about REPUBLICANS using Democrat techniques to keep control.

*The old Monterey Committee appointed people to fill vacancies for 2024.  Then they tried to use them to vote in the NEW Committee—though not elected or appointed by the new Committee

*The old Committee called the police, which showed up with SIX cop cars.  The old Committee, without a vote of the new Committee, hired two security guards to be in the meeting, to remove Republicans from the meeting. (Even with the intimidation, no one left)

*The old Chair, tried to claim that since he signed the lease, on behalf of the Committee, he had the right to declare people “trespassers” and throw them out (folks refused to leave based on his illegal statement).

*Someone paid Mark Meuser to declare people appointed last year for that term, could vote this term.  At one point an attendee called Harmeet Dhillon to clarify.  On speaker phone Dhillon noted that Mark was not present, so all of his memo is “hearsay” and not to be used. (Did the old Committee, without a vote of the body, use GOP money to pay Mark?)

*Once the Old Guard lost the election, they sent out a notice that another organizational meeting will be held, this week via ZOOM.  Of course they are no longer in charge of the Monterey Central Committee, so have no authority to call a meeting.

Here is copy of the notice by a member, claiming to be chair, though another was elected:


I am reconvening the MCRPCC Organizational meeting at 6:00 p.m. this next Thursday, January 23rd. 

This meeting will be a Zoom Meeting only, and only the 29 elected members of the Central Committee will be allowed to participate.

The link to the Zoom meeting will be sent out prior to the meeting.

The original Organizational Meeting Agenda is attached.


Jerry B. Edelen

This is how Democrats operate, ignore elections, rules and laws.  Just act as if they did not happen. Note that the organizational meeting, properly noticed was never adjourned.  Isn’t this how Biden/Newsom and the Democrats operate?

Oh, when the members arrived, they were given a letter from a major donor—if her Establishment candidate was not elected Chair, she would pull her money.  Yup, they are willing to bankrupt the Monterey Central Committee to keep control.  In a letter given to all members, Melanie Scherer wrote, “For these reasons, my continued financial support-and that are several others—will be contingent on Dave Drew winning this vital position (Chair)”.

The final insult to Republicans?  When it was obvious that an activist Republican was going to win the Chair position, the Establishment Chair, refused to go forward.  No joke, at this point they turned out the lights!!  The lights were turned on and the CRP Regional Vice Chair, Randall Jordan was selected to run the rest of the meeting and held the election of officers, as noticed.

You would think you were at a Democrat Party meeting.  But this is going on elsewhere.  Obviously, they prefer power to GOP victories.


Here is the agenda for the January 23 San Benito Central Committee meeting:


1.        Roll Call

2.        Approval of Minutes

3.        State of The San Benito County Republican Party

4.        Legal Counsel for Anticipated Litigation

5.        Organizational Matters

a.        Election of Chairman

b.        Election of Vice Chairman

c.        Election of Secretary

d.        Election of Treasurer

6.        Discussion of 2025-2026 Election Cycle

7.        Adjourn”

Note they are already planning for a lawsuit, Agenda item #4.  Also note that the Chair moved the meeting from a public place to his home.  In that way he can remove people as trespassers.  In fact, without a vote of the body he has declared it a CLOSED meeting—he did not want Republicans to see what they were doing. 


Another Central Committee also moved from a public place, to a private office, then used local police to keep two voters out of the meeting.  Grounds? Trespassing.

On January 25, the LAGOP will hold an election.  Again, it is closed door.  Will they call the cops?

Of course, one candidate, the candidate of the Chair, is NOT opposing the close door event.  One candidate, has opposed the close door, the candidate of activist Republicans.

In all these cases, the Establishment has lost and using Democrat tactics to keep control.

(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)

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