Heard on the Tom/Toms
Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 1/27/25 www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com
I will not make any judgmental statements, just report the facts. Over the past week the Monterey Central Committee held its organizational meeting. It was a changing of the guard. But the old guard, instead of following by-laws and votes, determined to go a different route.
- Greeting the Central Committee members when they attended the meeting were six cop cars.
- Inside the room were two security guards—with tasers. The old committee refuses to say who paid for them or who authorized them. Feel intimidated?
- Two members of the CRP Board of Directors, including the Regional VP for the Central Coast, were called “outside agitators”.
- When the vote was about to occur, the old Guard turned off the lights.
- The quorum of the Committee was forced to move to another location to hold the elections that were noticed.
- Then the Old Guard held a zoom meeting a few days later.
- The Old Guard allowed SIX non members to vote, hence they now claim the organization. None of these six were elected to the new term. None of the six were voted on to fill vacancies in the new term.
- After the Old Guard claimed victory, they sent a cease and desist letter to those elected on the members to office. I expect they will now issue a cease and desist order.
Your decision. Is this how Democrats operate or Republicans?
Support for President Trump is not about attending conventions or inaugurations. It is about real support and work. Going to events and having photo ops do not substitute for real action.
In April the California Republican Party held a convention. Not on the agenda was an endorsement for President Trump. A member made a motion to amend the agenda to endorse Trump. It failed. One of those voting against it was the Vice Chair, Corrine Rankin. Of course, when she saw the draft version of the agenda, she could have asked that an endorsement for Trump be added. At a Board meeting she could have asked that it be added.
California GOP is one of the few State Party’s that did not endorse Donald Trump.
On Wednesday, the San Benito Central Committee had its organizational meeting. The Chair, Rob Bernowsky, moved the meeting from a public place to his home, behind gates. Prior to the meeting he informed the Regional CRP Vice Chair, who is responsible for monitoring the county GOP, he would not be allowed into the meeting. If Randall Jordan attempted to attend, it would be considered trespassing. Jordan was not allowed to attend. The DNC would be proud of these tactics—lawfare against Republicans. The good news is that Republican took back this committee.
(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)
As I tell my constituents… running for office is not easy, all the acrimony, the backstabbing, the name-calling the treachery, and that’s just the Republicans.😂
Speaking of never Trumpers the rescheduled LAGOP disorganization meeting led by egregious CAGOP bylaw imposer tim orino was held Saturday morning at an Elks Lodge in Pasadena.
Still sleepy eyed from reading the condescending after midnite email sent out by outgoing LAGOP chair tim orino upon my arrival I was not surprised to see a ninety minute wait time to check in.
It was a slow disorganized process that rivaled mayor bass’s emergency mismanagement response to LA’s fires.
And in a true show of Never Trump allegiance the LAGOP sent a sergeant of arms out to the parking lot to identify which committee member was flying a Trump flag on their car and demanded that it be moved off the parking lot.
Needless to say the LAGOP reorganization meeting was somewhat of an abject failure for everyone in attendance hampered by disorganization and an inexcusable failure to take a simple roll call of all voting members and alternates at the outset of the meeting.
Adding insult to all of the down ballot candidates that stepped up to run for the board one mustached marauding ad member bamboozled the disorganization meeting leading to the exclusion of candidate nomination remarks and an outright refusal to allow any statements from the candidates themselves.
I cant think of a better way to upset a candidate than to censor her or him (XX or XY) from introducing themselves and their vision to the electorate.
Steve there should be no surprise to your readers to hear that the time line of Saturdays LAGOP disorganization meeting expired like a parking meter that has no money forcing members to vacate the building to count ballots in the parking lot.
In true California form complete results of the election are still pending. It might be thirty days or more before you know.
Gotta love our California Republicans.
Ten counties flipped.
Numerous local elected seats flipped or successfully defended.
…, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, …
Are you sure this wasn’t a meeting of the California Federation of Republican Women?
“I will not make any judgmental statements, just report the facts”???? Steve, the obvious question, from where did you find these so-called facts? Your article is a stunning re-write of the events of the MCRP Organizational meeting. I’m pretty sure you were not among the 80+ people in attendance. Some people with do anything for power and notoriety. Stick to what you truly KNOW, friend. Facts matter. BTW, let’s get together again soon.
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