Heard on the Tom/Toms

Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  2/10/25      www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

Chad Bianco REFUSES to Get Criminals Off the Streets of Riverside

Is someone robs the Bank of America or Wells Fargo Bank, the Riverside Sheriff, Chad Bianco goes after the criminal and gets help from the local PD and the FBI.  If the criminal is an American and gets caught, they go to jail and the full weight of the law is applied.

If the criminal is an illegal alien, they get arrested, jailed, bailed out and then disappear—Bianco allows them to go back in the shadows.  He refuses to tell ICE that he has a criminal illegal alien.  In other words, he violates the Federal laws that mandate he notify ICE.  So far, the city of Chicago and the State of Illinois have been sued for hiding and protecting criminal illegal aliens.  Will Bianco be next?  Then the question is, since he is violating Federal law, will the taxpayers finance his defense or will he be forced to do so?  Under the law, law breakers who are public officials must finance their own defense.

Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco says deputies won’t conduct immigration enforcement — Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco said that immigrant enforcement was the sole responsibility of the federal government and that rumors of deputies conducting raids at county schools, businesses and churches “are simply not true.” Andrew J. Campa in the Los Angeles Times$ — 2/8/25

Then you have Sheriff Bianco taking a knew to show solidarity with the BLM rioters.  See it here:


See story here:
Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco and his deputies joined a group of protesters Monday by taking a knee. The touching moment was captured on our live camera. https://bit.ly/3gI6fFe


Bianco is a former Democrat.  Could that be why he supports the BLM and protects the criminal illegal aliens?


Corrin Rankin is running for Chair of the California Republican Party.  Yet, she has taken radical views, similar to Kamala Harris.  In fact, she opposes the views of President Trump, the California Republican Party Platform and the National Republican Platform.

She has openly supported affirmative action (which Trump just outlawed via an Executive Order).  She refuses to oppose DEI/CRT—in fact she refuses to answer where she stands on those issues.  On January 31 the Golden State Republican Women held a forum with Rankin attending.  She was asked her opinion of DEI/CRT.  Her answer?  “Why am I always being asked the question about DEI?  Is it because I am a black woman?”  Sounds like an answer Kamala would give.  Note she continues to refuse to give a direct answer.

Then she was asked about proxy reform.  This has been very controversial for years.  Numerous by-laws amendments have been proposed.  Dozens over the past ten years.  Her answer about proxy reform?  “This is something I have to study.”  Yet for years she has opposed EVERY reform presented.  She does not have to “study”, it was just a political answer to deflect from her views that it is OK to have over 30% of the vote at a convention be cast for people not even attending.

How can Rankin be a spokesperson for the GOP when she opposes Trump and the Platform?

(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)