Heard on the Tom/Toms
Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 2/17/25 www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com
In politics too many people believe that going to a convention (with the outcome already determined) is real political action. Actually, it is just expensive fun time.
Going to the inaugural or having your picture taken with a Cabinet member does not make you a political activist. Just shows you have the funds to go to a National Party or have a camera available. This is not political activism.
What really counts is how you vote. Sadly, many in leadership claim them supported Trump for President. Yet, when it came down to an actual vote, a vote to endorse Doanld Trump, they said NO. Yet, they continue to claim to support the President, knowing they voted AGAINST him when it counted.
In September, 2023, the California Republican Party held a convention. The agenda was to be voted on for approval. A motion was made to amend the agenda, to allow a vote to ENDORSE President Trump. I now have a copy of the record of the vote. Every delegate who voted, show either a YES, to allow the endorsement or NO to OPPOSE the endorsement. Here is how some in the leadership voted:
Harmeet Dhillon—YES, to allow endorsement
Jessica Patterson—NO, to OPPOSE endorsement
Shawn Steel—NO to OPPOSE endorsement
Corrin Rankin—NO to OPPOSE endorsement
Laurie Wallace—YES to endorse
John Dennis—NO to OPPOSE endorsement
Randall Jordan—YES to Endorse
Randy Berholtz—YES to Endorse
Johanna Lassaga—Yes to endorse
This will give you an idea of who supported Trump, by vote and who did not vote for him, when it counted.
If anyone I mentioned believes they voted differently, Please let me know. As we know this vote was by electronic device—so I am reporting what the system shows. If the system reported your vote incorrectly, we need to know that.
Full disclosure: If I mention a candidate that I am both supporting AND getting paid for work, I will ALWAYS give full disclosure. It has come to my attention that a candidate for office is making wild claims that the reason I am exposing his record on key issues is because I am being paid. That is NOT true. Have not been paid a dime for this race. Not even a cup of coffee.
The real problem that candidate has, is himself. He made the statements I quote, he did the TV interviews I re-publish. HE is the one sending out press releases that I quote. He claims to support Trump is overturned when he is quoted about Trump in a speech—HE GAVE.
His problem is his views and actions. If he doesn’t like them, he should never have done them.
(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)
This is why we not only need to elect a Republican governor next year, he/she has to be a non-RINO at that.