Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views, 6/23/22
On Monday the California Political News and Views ran an editorial noting the California Republican Party was comatose. See here.
After getting more information the only question is whether the CRP is comatose or just dead.
- The Republican Party with its limited number of candidates—should be jumping to support Robert Howell in his race for Insurance Commissioner. As of Wednesday morning, yesterday, he was just 10,000 votes behind the Democrat for second place—with about 400,000 ballots still to be counted—of which about 390,000 are mail in ballots.
This is the race where Howell was the only Republican running until less than a week before filing closed. Then the Chair, Jessica Patterson, with the efforts of Luis Buhler, got an 89 year old Greg Conlon to file for the race, Conlon did not campaign outside his home county or nearby areas. His purpose was to divide the vote to assure two Democrats got on the November ballot.
If the California Republican Party wanted Howell on the November ballot Chair Patterson and the temporary Chair of Chairs, Rev. Williams, would send out urgent requests to every County Chair asking them to send observers to the Registrar of Voters to watch the counting of the voters, make sure signatures matched,
If the California Republican Party and the Chair wanted Howell on the November ballot they would send in teams of volunteer attorneys (we had been told the CRP has a Republican Lawyers Association for this purpose—they even get a delegate position for CRP conventions). Instead not a word from the Chair asking for lawsuits to stop the counting of ballots from the dead, the illegal aliens and even the duplicated ballots. After the November, 2020 election—in which the Chair declared there was NO corruption in California balloting, the opposite was found out. The CRP did a data search and found that at least 7,000 people voted TWICE. Yet, the Chair still says there were no big problem with the voting. Remember, Howell is only 10,000 votes behind at this time.
ACTION ALERT: Do not wait for the inaction of the California Republican Party to cost us a candidate for Insurance Commissioner on the November ballot. Ask your Central Committee and volunteer clubs in your county to send observers to watch the count and note the violation of State law by the ROV in not allowing observers close enough to observe the lack of signature comparing. Ask local attorneys to demand the votes of dead, illegal aliens, those who have moved out of State to be disqualified. Howell can win this race. Ignore the inaction of the California Republican Party, we know what to do.
- When the final list of nominees is reported, you will note that about ten Republicans got on the November ballot via being write-ins. This was a coordinated effort—NOT by the Chair of the California Republican Party or her staff. No, this was done by volunteers throughout the State without any support or assistance from the State Party. The purpose of the CRP is to be a statewide political operation. Instead, step by step they are constricting operations, programs and candidate support. Holding a few ZOOM meetings to “train” candidates obviously is not working.
- Now it can be told. The aforementioned Luis Buhler also wanted to put the fist of the California Republican Party on the scales of the State Treasurers race. He called Jack M. Guerrero, at the time a potential candidate, before filing closed in February. Guerrero was told that the CRP was going to endorse Andrew Do by the CRP, two months later at the late April endorsing convention. Buhler could make such a claim—because of the proxy vote. He knew as we all did the April convention would be poorly attended, How poorly? More votes were cast by proxy voting than by live delegates! Yup, proxy votes outnumbered live delegate attendees. Oh, so far Guerrero has a 300,00 vote lead on Andrew Do–the CRP endorsed candidate and will be our nominee in November.
We still have lots of candidates for November. This is the time to build the Republican/conservative values and principles. Thanks to the demented Joe Biden, GOP candidates could get lots more votes. We need to build for 2024—volunteer for a candidate.

- Important radio show: Every Sunday from 4-5 pm Jim Lacy, California Political Review, hosts a very informative show on KABC, 790 on the am dial, in Los Angeles. He and his guests discuss politics and policy, values and principles. You will get a statewide view of current events. For those outside the L.A. area, you can listen to the show on the Internet. Well worth the time!
- Since 1870 this border area of Texas had not elected a Republican to Congress. Clinton carried the district by 20%. Biden carried it by 13% Yet an American women, born in Mexico won the seat by a wide margin. This is an 84% Hispanic district. Maybe she showed us in California how to win in majority Hispanic districts. Mayra Flores did not campaign as a Democrat-lite. Instead she promoted patriotism and family values. While Democrats want to get rid of religion in America, she knew Hispanics believed in the Lord. Here is a campaign sing. Wish our candidates would do the same in California.
- At least King Gavin can claim he is doing something—when he knows it will never happen. If he won’t spend $2.7 billion the voters gave him for new water storage facilities, why expect him to spend $16 billion on something that will be held up in the courts for decades?
Tunnel vision: What’s next for the governor’s plan to replumb the Delta? — It’s no quick fix. The scaled-down tunnel — which would bypass the Delta and funnel more water south — still has to clear a gauntlet of reviews, would cost at least $16 billion and could take 20 years. Rachel Becker CalMatters — 6/22/22
- This is sick. Trying to make Prop. 13 racist because it is color blind! Regardless of color, folks pay property taxes based on the SAME formula. This is scaremongering to create racism:
California’s white households get bigger property tax breaks than Black, Latino homeowners under Prop 13, study says — While homeownership remains a challenge for people of color in California, those who do achieve it don’t equitably reap the benefits, a new report argues, because of the state’s landmark law limiting property tax increases. Jeanne Kuang CalMatters — 6/22/22
- Unions win a major victory, wage increase. No, not by negotiating with the Company. Instead they got the L.A. City Council to mandate a wage increase, a council the union donated to, to get them in office. Soft core corruption? Will Gascon indict? Doubt it.
L.A. City Council backs $25 minimum wage for some health workers — The Los Angeles City Council voted Tuesday to boost the minimum wage for workers at privately owned hospitals to $25 an hour, rather than sending the question to the November ballot for voters to decide. Emily Alpert Reyes in the Los Angeles Times$ — 6/22/22
(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “Tom/Tom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)