Heard on the Tom/Toms

Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  3/11/25      www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

CAGOP Misleads (Trying to be nice) New Delegates

For several weeks now I have been reporting on the Fall, 2023 CRP convention vote.  This is the one that would have amended the agenda to endorse Donald Trump for President.  The motion was made, the Chair allowed a vote—she did NOT rule the motion out of order—and the vote failed.

Among those who voted NO to endorse Trump was Corrin Rankin.  She says she supports Trump, even went to the National convention And the Inaugural.  But when it counted many delegates stood up for Trump—she sat down and voted NO.

A few days ago a new CRP member received an email from a CRP leader—here it is:

“The Bylaws of the CAGOP do not provide for an endorsement for President. Instead, they provide for a primary election process whereby the candidate who receives enough votes from registered Republicans in the primary election (March of 2024) becomes the party’s Nominee. As he often does, Steve took a small fact and turned it into a huge dirty lie to further his own agenda. You have been used. Please issue a correction.”

Sadly, the CAGOP is not accurate.  Yes, the by-laws do not mention anything about a presidential endorsement–nor does it prohibit it.  So, a member wanted to do one–and Jessica allowed the vote.  If it was illegal she would have rule the motion was out of order.  The correction is needed, by the CAGOP leader for misleading delegates.  Chair Patterson approved the motion.


During the Viet Nam war, the Democrats Party was opposed to that war.  It was a war between Viet Nam citizens.

The Democrats are SUPPORTING the Ukrainian/Russian War.  That is a War between two different sets of white people.

Curious, is the color of the skin of the warring parties what determines if the Democrats support a war?

Shouldn’t the Viet Namese AND the Ukrainians deserve peace and freedom?  Just a thought.



We have all received the emails or snail mail asking us to be a member of an Advisory Board.  The email tells you a famous person wants to hear from you, immediately.  Purpose? To see if you are on board.  Once you agree or donate, you never hear from them again, nor do they ask for your advice.  It is just a gimmick for the candidate or organization to claim wide support.

In politics you have the same thing.  Before a convention or election you will get an email or a call—the candidate or cause needs your support for the “advisory” board.  If called, the caller will claim the candidate or leader of the cause asked him/her to call you directly, asking for you to be on their “Advisory Board”.  Once you agree, a document will go out saying you support them—and almost never hear from them again—unless they want or need something—and that is never for advice.

At the CRP convention expect candidates to provide you will endorsement lists, Advisory Board lists and more.  Forget about them.  If they are serious candidates, ask about their ground game—not the one they plan, but the one they already have.  Ask about their consultants.  Do they have a history of supporting a grassroots effort or notorious for not promoting the grassroots. Do they have a history of working with all segments of the Party? 

You will want to know if the candidate stands for Reform of the CAGOP—proxy reform, allowing all in the Party to participate.  Some might say, “I will be an elected official, so I have no say over what happens in the Party?”  That might be true—but if they endorsed a candidate for CRP office, they are involved.

Before we support any candidate, we need to vet them.  We do not need a June surprise when a candidate shows no campaign.  We do not need an October surprise when something in the background of the candidate kills them off.

Be an informed voter and grassroots activist.

(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)

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