Heard on the Tom/Toms
Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 3/10/25 www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com
Grant Cardone: The More You Get to Know Him, the Less You Are Going to Like Him
I believe all Republican candidates must be vetted BEFORE they become our nominees. The vetting must be complete and done as soon as we know their intentions—even if we’ve known them for years. It is the only early warning of the surprises we will face at election time.
With that in mind, let me warn you about the “renowned Private Equity Fund Manager and CEO” who will headline the Saturday’s Speaker Series at the CAGOP 2025 Spring Convention.
He’s billed as “a world-renowned entrepreneur, business strategist, and best-selling author; [best] known for his high-energy leadership, bold strategies, and unwavering commitment to success.” Wow, has that been missing in our State Party!
Our headline speaker has “inspired millions to think bigger and take action”. Man, could Republican Party use that! We might get back to relevancy in the State Legislature and pick up a few constitutional offices along the way.
A few weeks ago, I was privileged to hear the “CEO of multiple companies and a global influencer in sales and business growth” at the Ventura County GOP Gala. That morning the “global influencer” had met with several California political consultants. His only question was how to flip California from blue to red. What did they tell him? VOTER REGISTRATION.
That music to my ears. I have been harping on that for years! (He that tooteth not his own horn, the same shall not be tooted). But why would “the best-selling author” care about “flipping” California? Because there has been much discussion—some apparently “influenced” by the “world-renowned entrepreneur”—of a run for Governor of California in 2026.
Campaign funding will not be a problem. He can probably self-finance. Last June his put his Miami home up for sale at $42 million.
These past few weeks, this future candidate for Governor has unleashed “his high-energy leadership, bold strategies, and unwavering commitment to success” by appearing on numerous state and national media outlets. Unfortunately, those discussions have focused on his business views with hardly any discussion of his religious beliefs.
Religious belief is important. Voters need to know the moral principles and religious background of candidates for public office—their moral foundation. Religious beliefs color how they treat others, determine the values they hold and how they operate in not only the business realm, but the political realm too. It’s that moral compass that will tell us how the candidate thinks, how they will act and what they will do.
But more to the point, GOP candidates are held to a different standard when it comes to religion. Democrats can misquote and even rewrite Bible verses for political purposes without consequence while GOP candidates are perennially accused (by Democrats) of imposing their morals on the rest of us. Democrats will fixate on the religious beliefs of the Republican candidate for Governor, especially if they are controversial with only one purpose in mind—to separate him from his voters.
Controversial you say? Well, judge for yourself. Our “renowned Private Equity Fund Manager” is an “OT8”— a label representing the top of the “totem pole” in the Church of Scientology—if I may mix my metaphors. Very few achieve this level because the estimated cost to do so is north of half a million dollars and takes several years. That’s the “beauty” of Scientology; you can buy your way in, as opposed to Christianity where God’s Son has to pay the price and you have to accept the gift.
Who is this candidate for Governor who has “inspired millions to think bigger and take action”? None other than Grant Cardone. Never heard of him? You will, even if you don’t attend the Convention. Will he announce there? He could.
I’m not saying Mr. Cardone is hiding anything. He’s not. He’s an open book, if you open the book. He touts his religious background as the “superpower” in his life. Don’t take my word for it, just Google: “Grant Cardone Scientology”. On second thought, use DuckDuckGo.
Stay tuned, sports fans, the ride is about to get bumpy!
(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)