It is at least a courtesy for a member of your Party to give you a second on the floor, so your bill could be heard. Yet, Heath Flora, a proponent of the SAY NOTHING proposed CRP Platform, one of the seven Assembly GOP’ers that voted for the massive Cap and Trade tax increase on the people of California, for either asleep or punishing a fellow GOP Assemblyman.
“At a Rules committee hearing, Bill Essayli motioned for a vote on his resolution — which just might have been inspired by some Democrats’ recent drunk driving convictions — but was left hanging when Republican Floor Leader Heath Flora didn’t prop him up with a second.
“Mr. Flora, you’re not going to second?” Essayli asked, earning him a quick scolding from the chair to stay in order.
Looks like we have to beg Heat Flora is at least act like a Republican—and even then, he will ignore you. Though folks should know about this.
Heath Flora REFUSES to Second Assembly Motion Against Drunk Driving

California Politico Playbook, 9/8/23
HAZARD UP AHEAD — It’s not often that inner-party skirmishes break out into the open. But one freshman Republican on Thursday put his own party leadership on blast for not seconding legislation that would have barred lawmakers from using an Assembly pool vehicle if they get a DUI.
At a Rules committee hearing, Bill Essayli motioned for a vote on his resolution — which just might have been inspired by some Democrats’ recent drunk driving convictions — but was left hanging when Republican Floor Leader Heath Flora didn’t prop him up with a second.
“Mr. Flora, you’re not going to second?” Essayli asked, earning him a quick scolding from the chair to stay in order.
The Riverside lawmaker, who has been racking up political points in conservative social media circles for promoting school board policies that notify parents about their transgender students, took to Twitter to accuse Flora of trying to “save the Democrats from having to go on record.”
“I doubt his voters sent him to Sacramento … to protect Democrats, but alas here we are,” Essayli tweeted .
Flora, in a statement, told us that he has “authored multiple DUI penalty enhancement bills over the years.”
“Today was really just a procedural disagreement that unfortunately played out on camera and then got shared around on social media,” he said.
Heath is a RINO has been from the start. Now his district is in San Joaquin County both the GOP in that county and in Stanislaus will back him 100%. Both GOP groups are full of RINOS, did you know they invited Democrats to their Debate of Candidates. Until we stop voting the lesser of two evils nothing will change and until we get true Christians that believe in Gods Law and the Constitution in office nothing will change. We have to start at a local level, my friends Rick always says take back your county, then you can take back your state and then federal. Heath and Juan both need to go.