Heard on the Tom/Toms
Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 8/11/23 www.capoliticalreview.com
We have been told by Andy Gimmkandy that the old baseball player, Steve Garvey, is running for Senate. That was months ago. He appeared in Orange County at an OCGOP fund raiser—said nothing and has not be seen since.
Now, on August 26 the Sonoma County Central Committee is holding an event. Among the attendees will be Eric Early, conservative candidate for the U.S. Senate and Steve Garvey, apparently a candidate for Senate for the Swamp Dwellers (Andy is among their leaders).
This will give the attendees the opportunity to ask Early about his position on national defense, ending Bidenomics and why he values parents in the education process.
Since all the public knows about Garvey is that he hit a lot of home runs and was a very good first baseman, this will be an opportunity to find out about the man and his policies.
For instance, people are going to ask him about his many children, by several women and did he actually pay child support? Family values are important to Republicans. They will ask him to compare his record of Federal and law enforcement investigations into his businesses and that of Eric Early, who, pro bono, successfully defended education quality for children in Santa Barbara from vile Leftist curriculum.
I have heard from many who are interested in the comparison of the years of political activism by Early, standing up for GOP principles, spending his time and money in the trenches—while Garvey, in his 70’s, has decided to run for the Senate. He is too old for this to be a mid-life crisis—maybe he is tired being a greeter at Dodger Stadium as part of their efforts to help old timers?
This is brave of Garvey to go to the Sonoma event—folks in that and surrounding counties like genuine, sincere candidates and not afraid to ask the hard questions. This will be a fun event. I urge everybody—when you have a chance to meet candidates, ask the hard questions, not the fluff—who cares what his favorite hot dog is (Garveys’ is the Dodger Dog), we want to know how he treats people, especially his family, kids and business associates.
Or is this just another Andy Gimmeekandy trolling of the Republican Party?

(Full disclosure: I have not endorsed any candidate in this race)
(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)