Hey Corporate Execs, Here Are Some Democrats You Can Dump For ‘Undermining Democracy’

Corporations are only concerned about their bottom line and being in good with the powers that control.  They look to government for contracts and for legislation to put their competitors out of business.  Now they are upset with President Trump, but were quiet when Democrats undermined democracy.

“‘Over a dozen other companies joined the growing group on Monday: Hilton Hotels, American Airlines, BP, Coca-Cola, Goldman Sachs, Boston Scientific, Microsoft, Hallmark, Facebook, and Visa all said they will suspend and review political giving to both parties, while AirBnB, Verizon, AT&T, Comcast, American Express, Mastercard, and Dow, one of the largest chemical companies in the world, are halting donations to the Republican objectors specifically for either a few either a few months or an indefinite period of time.’

We certainly hope that these companies will be consistent and include Democrats who cast precisely the same vote in 2005 — to object to Ohio electors for the purpose of investigating alleged irregularities — in their donation ban.

So if Republicans question an election, they need to be banished.  When Democrats do it, they look the other way while upping their donations to the Democrats.  Hypocrisy—the corporate way.

Hey Corporate Execs, Here Are Some Democrats You Can Dump For ‘Undermining Democracy’

The Committee to Unleash Prosperity, 1/13/21 

Editor’s Note: This is excerpted from The Committee to Unleash Prosperity’s daily Hotline email. You can sign up for the Unleash Prosperity Hotline at: https://committeetounleashprosperity.com/hotline/.

There is a corporate stampede to stop PAC donations to Republicans for the sin of voting against certifying electors from states, on suspicion of election irregularities.

Companies that have announced a suspension or ban on such donations started with Marriott, and Commerce Bancshares.

According to Forbes:

‘Over a dozen other companies joined the growing group on Monday: Hilton Hotels, American Airlines, BP, Coca-Cola, Goldman Sachs, Boston Scientific, Microsoft, Hallmark, Facebook, and Visa all said they will suspend and review political giving to both parties, while AirBnB, Verizon, AT&T, Comcast, American Express, Mastercard, and Dow, one of the largest chemical companies in the world, are halting donations to the Republican objectors specifically for either a few either a few months or an indefinite period of time.’

We certainly hope that these companies will be consistent and include Democrats who cast precisely the same vote in 2005 — to object to Ohio electors for the purpose of investigating alleged irregularities — in their donation ban.

For their convenience, we supply the list: