How California conservatives are fighting back

In little ways, lawsuits, running candidates for local office, newsletters and rallies, conservatives are fighting back in California.  It may not seem to be organize.  But, every day, somewhere in California there is a training session for activists.  On the weekends there are several rallies and large meeting.  Our candidates may not have the money of the Left, but they are growing precinct operations and using social media to expand and grow.

“California lawmakers have, in turn, moved quickly to squash most of these uprisings. As they advance legislation to ban parental notification policies for students’ gender identity,stop voter identification requirements, and prohibit restrictions on library books, they contend they are defending the rights of marginalized groups.

This pitched battle tracks with a growing repolarization among California voters. After decades of steady gains in independent registration, the trend has undergone a sharp reversal over the past five years as more voters embrace the Democratic and Republican parties again. Surveys find an increasing number have a favorable view of their own party and an unfavorable view of the opposition, heightening the stakes of these culture clashes.

But as the anti-Democratic Progressives try to close down discussion and decent, the conservative movement coalition grows.  Ending parental rights and telling teachers to lie to parents have added families to the conservative coalition—and added supporters to the School Choice movement.  We are fighting back via organization and activism.

How California conservatives are fighting back

BY ALEXEI KOSEFF, CalMatters,  8/6/24


In classrooms, libraries and city councils, conservatives are pushing back against California’s progressive politics and policies. Catch up on stories that explain what’s happening.

Republican power in California has been waning for decades. The party hasn’t elected a candidate to statewide office since 2006, and it now represents a superminority in the Legislature.

Though there are still millions of conservative voters, Democrats are so dominant they can dismiss the cultural grievances that have come to animate the political discourse in red states — election fraud, illegal immigration, corporate support for gay rights, transgender athletes — without so much as a debate.

That has left conservatives to target local governance for protests against liberal California, using the relative autonomy of city councils, county boards of supervisors and school boards to assert a competing vision for their communities — perhaps even a new state altogether — and sometimes, to settle ideological scores with the state’s progressive values.

“It almost feels like you have to overcompensate for some of the damage being done,” said Gracey Van Der Mark, a Huntington Beach council member who proposed a library book review committee. “The more radical they got to the left, the more I felt myself pulling to the right.”

California lawmakers have, in turn, moved quickly to squash most of these uprisings. As they advance legislation to ban parental notification policies for students’ gender identity,stop voter identification requirements, and prohibit restrictions on library books, they contend they are defending the rights of marginalized groups.

This pitched battle tracks with a growing repolarization among California voters. After decades of steady gains in independent registration, the trend has undergone a sharp reversal over the past five years as more voters embrace the Democratic and Republican parties again. Surveys find an increasing number have a favorable view of their own party and an unfavorable view of the opposition, heightening the stakes of these culture clashes.

CalMatters has been exploring the rebellion in conservative California — how it is testing the state’s reputation as the leading edge of liberal politics and the limits of local control, but also how it is roiling the very communities that Republican politicians say they are seeking to better represent.

3 thoughts on “How California conservatives are fighting back

  1. The Conservatives are not organized because the Republican Party of California is not organized. It is for the most part run by individuals who are either RINOs or willing to side with the Democrats for their own gain.

  2. Agree with Rico Lagattuta.

    Until CAGOP leadership drastically changes to America First leadership, little will change.

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