Modesto has a serious homeless problem, crime is up, potholes galore and the usual basic services, all need funds. Instead the City of Modesto spent $49,000 on a poll to see if the people would approve a sales tax increase—and to test messages to get the maximum vote. The city has NOT reported this expenditure to the FPPC nor have they applied for an FPPC# to make campaign spending legal. Worse, they are about to spend $114,000 in tax money to campaign for the passage of the measure. This is as corrupt as it gets—using tax money meant for city services, to run a campaign to raise taxes on the public.
“The city paid TBWBH Props and Measures more than $49,000 to conduct the initial polling with the presentation to the financial committee.
Tuesday, the city council will take a vote to consider a $114,000 deal with the consulting firm to develop objective information and education materials in the form of brochures, mailers and internet content regarding the measure.
The deal would also contract TBWBH Props and Measures to consult on the use of different distribution, media outreach and social media platforms.”
Now you know why people have little trust or respect for government. Will anyone in Modesto take the lead to stop this abuse of the people of this wonderful town?
Modesto mulling sales tax hike to provide budget boost

DANIEL GLIGICH, The Sun, 5/24/22
A sales tax increase could soon be headed to the ballot in Modesto.
In February, the Modesto City Council approved an agreement with San Francisco-based consulting firm, TBWBH Props and Measures, to explore public feedback for a potential sales tax increase.
The measure the city is considering would be a one-percent sales tax increase.
Revenue from the tax would go to Modesto’s general fund and is expected to total around $39 million annually.
One in the general fund, the tax revenue would go toward various city services, including the police and fire department, paramedics, 911 emergency response, parks, traffic enforcement, litter abatement, abandoned property response, street and sidewalk maintenance and infrastructure improvements.
TBWBH Props and Measures presented its initial findings to the financial committee in April.
The firm polled a random sample of 1,117 registered voters who are considered likely to participate in the November election.
The initial ballot test, after the voters read an example ballot language, saw the support sitting at 65 percent.
After presenting both positive and negative arguments for the initiative, support dropped to 60 percent.
However, the measure would just need a simple majority to pass, giving the confidence that the proposal has the potential to pass in November.
Following the presentation, the committee voted 3-0 to direct the city manager to prepare a ballot measure for a one percent sales tax increase.
The city paid TBWBH Props and Measures more than $49,000 to conduct the initial polling with the presentation to the financial committee.
Tuesday, the city council will take a vote to consider a $114,000 deal with the consulting firm to develop objective information and education materials in the form of brochures, mailers and internet content regarding the measure.
The deal would also contract TBWBH Props and Measures to consult on the use of different distribution, media outreach and social media platforms.
An affirmative vote by the council on Tuesday would signal its intent to place the measure on the November ballot.