Captain Kirk from Star Trek in the 1960’s gave us the first flip phone. Now a 1973 movie, “Soylent Green”, based on the future—9022—gave us the idea for human composting.
“Assembly Bill 351, signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom on Sunday, will allow residents to choose human composting, or natural organic reduction (NOR), after death starting in 2027.
The process of composting a cadaver, already legalized in Washington, Colorado and Oregon, involves placing the body in a reusable container, surrounding it with wood chips and aerating it to let microbes and bacteria grow. After about a month, the remains will decompose and be fully transformed into soil. Companies such as Recompose in Washington offer the service at a natural organic reduction facility.
Unlike cremation, the process avoids the burning of fossil fuels and emission of carbon monoxide. National Geographic estimates that cremations in the U.S. alone emit about 360,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide a year.”
By composting the dead we will save the Planet. Too bad we will not be allowed to know if the lettuce we eat was grown in human cadavers that were composted. Enjoy your salad. Ugh.
Human Composting Is Now Legal in California, Leading the Way to ‘Soylent Green’

By Jennifer Oliver O’Connell, Red State, 9/19/22
Remember the Charlton Heston movie Soylent Green?
It comes to mind, because this 1973 futuristic movie was set in 2022.
Let that sink in.
It also comes to mind because thanks to Biden’s economic agenda (or lack thereof), much of the dystopian ethos of that world is being baked into our everyday lives. The World Economic Forum keeps pushing new forms of insect protein on us, and it was only a matter of time before cannibalism was happily presented as an idea whose time had come.
For the sake of the environment, even our death traditions are being restructured to fit the paradigm of you will own nothing and you will be happy with it. It’s wasteful to plant a headstone to memorialize your loved one, not to mention selfish. The land should belong to everyone, and you can contribute to its flourishing by composting your loved ones remains.
Save the planet, and save some space.
While this is not a new concept (it started in Washington state), making the idea hip, palatable, and righteous has moved to the next level.
And of course, California leads the way.
From the San Francisco Gate:
There are traditionally two options for what to do with a body after death: burial or cremation.
In California, a third choice will soon present itself for those who shuffle off this mortal coil. That choice is human composting.
Assembly Bill 351, signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom on Sunday, will allow residents to choose human composting, or natural organic reduction (NOR), after death starting in 2027.
The process of composting a cadaver, already legalized in Washington, Colorado and Oregon, involves placing the body in a reusable container, surrounding it with wood chips and aerating it to let microbes and bacteria grow. After about a month, the remains will decompose and be fully transformed into soil. Companies such as Recompose in Washington offer the service at a natural organic reduction facility.
Unlike cremation, the process avoids the burning of fossil fuels and emission of carbon monoxide. National Geographic estimates that cremations in the U.S. alone emit about 360,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide a year.
Ahh, climate change. No wonder Hair Gel signed it. As I write, His Hairfulness has abandoned the state to attend Climate Week NYC, because he pushes zero emissions and an all electric California by 2035, but begs people not to charge their electric vehicles in order to not overwhelm the power grid.
Totally brill.
During the early depths of the coronavirus pandemic, when funeral homes were inundated, Los Angeles County suspended regulations on cremation emissions. The author of the bill, Democratic Assemblymember Cristina Garcia, says the threat of climate change motivated the new law.
“AB 351 will provide an additional option for California residents that is more environmentally-friendly and gives them another choice for burial,” said Garcia in a statement. “With climate change and sea-level rise as very real threats to our environment, this is an alternative method of final disposition that won’t contribute emissions into our atmosphere.”
You know if Cristina Garcia is attached to it, there’s a kickback in the middle of the human compost, especially since there is a five-year stretch between the signing of the law and the actual implementation (2027).
Garcia is the genius behind California bills which dictated the non-binary Target aisle, “period poverty,” and “stealthing.” She is also one of the most corrupt members of California’s Assembly; and that’s saying a lot. After supposedly championing the whole #MeToo in the California Assembly in 2018, she was accused of sexual harassment, along with making racist comments.
Quite the package, and totally on brand for the face of the Democrat Supermajority.
Garcia’s 58th District, between SouthGate and Santa Fe Springs in Southern California, is part of the infamous corridor of corruption—elected officials and bureaucrats within the public utilities make it an art form to rape the taxpayers while feathering their nests. So, bet you dollars to donuts that if we dig into the financial records of Recompense, or whatever company will be handling this new boondoggle, we will probably find Garcia’s dirty hands all over it.
The ethical considerations behind it are also questionable. The Catholic Church, for one, is none too happy.
The idea of composting human remains has raised some ethical questions. Colorado’s version of the law dictates that the soil of multiple people cannot be combined without consent, the soil cannot be sold and it cannot be used to grow food for human consumption. The California bill bans the combining of multiple peoples’ remains, unless they are family, but unlike Colorado, California is not explicitly banning the sale of the soil or its use growing food for human consumption.
The process has met opposition in California from the Catholic Church, which say the process “reduces the human body to simply a disposable commodity.”
Sounds like another death practice that the Supreme Court released back to the states to decide, and that California is falling all over itself to enshrine.
“NOR uses essentially the same process as a home gardening composting system,” the executive director of the California Catholic Conference, Kathleen Domingo, said in a statement shared with SFGATE. She added that the process was developed for livestock, not humans.
“These methods of disposal were used to lessen the possibility of disease being transmitted by the dead carcass,” she said. “Using these same methods for the ‘transformation’ of human remains can create an unfortunate spiritual, emotional and psychological distancing from the deceased.”
The church also said that the process, which may lead to remains being dispersed in public locations “risks people treading over human remains without their knowledge while repeated dispersions in the same area are tantamount to a mass grave.”
The executive director of the archdiocese of San Francisco, Peter Marlow, told SFGATE that Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone opposes the law, and stands by the position of the California Catholic Conference.
While we are watching the Left go scorched earth in their wholesale destruction of traditional values and institutions, and in some respects, the Right’s accedence to it, death traditions and the recent erosion of them was not necessarily on anyone’s Bingo card. But think back to June of 2020, when we were fighting lockdowns and restrictions on gatherings, even funerals, while the Left conducted a three-day, multi-city, full-court press “honoring” the death of George Floyd and they expected you to just take it. The same with the July packed funeral for Rep. John Lewis. My dear cousin passed away in June of 2020, and we had to have a memorial for him over Zoom.
Dead bodies, whether from COVID or other illnesses and fatalities were allowed to back up and pile up, thrown into refrigerated vans like so much detritus. It has only been recently that things have returned to normal; if you can call it that.
Illinois lawmakers have also been pushing to legalize human composting as a means of burial over the last few years. The Illinois Family Institute has been exposing the agenda behind this and draws a straight line between the trans agenda and this so-called new form of honoring life.
Isn’t “recomposition” what the “trans” cult believes they can do? Don’t they believe they can recompose male bodies into female bodies?
In a grave tone of voice with not a glimmer of irony, Spade [CEO of Recompense] pays lip service (or as Macbeth calls it “mouth honor”) to the natural and deep reverence people have for the bodies of loved ones as demonstrated in the ceremonies that attend their deaths:
Imagine it: part public park, part funeral home, part memorial to the people we love, a place where we can reconnect to the cycles of nature and treat bodies with gentleness and respect.
Hmmm… is that how most people conceive of human-composting?
Human composting will be voluntary at first, but how long will that last? Probably about as long as voluntary euthanasia. Doctors are now performing non-voluntary euthanizations. And what comes after non-voluntary human composting? Mandatory human composting.
How long before cannibalism of recently deceased humans is legalized? After all, why waste all that good meat. Maybe we could call it Soylent Green.
Charlton Heston and the Soylent Green filmmakers probably had no idea they were prophets.