Caldwell: If Only Kamala Had Really Worked at McDonald’s!

Kamala Harris is a fraud.

She lied about Biden being mentally competent.

She lied about borders being secure.

She lied about inflation.

She lied about drugs and crime.

She is lying to Jews and Muslims about the Middle East war and HER role in the Ukrainian war by supporting the Iranian oil industry.

So, her lying about working at McDonalds is very minor.  But this lie is instructive.  To cover up her being the mistress of a married man, Wille Brown, she claims she worked at McDonalds—who has called her a liar.

Biden has an excuse for his lies—he has had dementia for several years.  What is her excuse for being America’s biggest liar?

If Only Kamala Had Really Worked at McDonald’s!

by Andy Caldwell, Santa Barbara Current, 11/3/24

If only she had really worked there…

Let’s look at one fundamental difference between progressives and conservatives as it affects the nobility of work. Kamala Harris falsely claimed she had worked at McDonald’s. This was a desperate and shallow attempt by somebody who grew up in an upper-middle-class family to relate to the one-in-eight Americans who began their career working for this fast-food giant.

But the left doesn’t value or respect entry level jobs and the role they play in our economy. Take, for instance, the recent law requiring fast food workers to earn $20 per hour in California. The premise of this wage hike is to force the industry to replace workers with technology (or go out of business) because this type of work represents exploitation not opportunity. Moreover, consider AB5, the law that destroyed independent contractor jobs in California. The author of that bill plainly stated that she didn’t care how many jobs were eliminated because they weren’t good-paying jobs to begin with.

Donald Trump, on the other hand, has been called the “blue collar billionaire” for decades because of his understanding of the value of blue-collar work and his respect for the people in these occupations. Trump knows that people need to start somewhere, and he knows that there is more dignity in work than government handouts.

It’s a lesson lost on progressives like Harris.

Pulling Down the Ladder of Success

Progressives have nothing but scorn for the working class. They would have us believe there are other options to end poverty rather than starting at the bottom, if necessary. One primary path is via the distribution of wealth to eliminate poverty by way of government largesse. That is: tax the “rich” and give to the poor. Their expectation is that there should be no such thing as the “working poor,” including immigrants who come here illegally with no education and no English language skills, along with career criminals, high school dropouts, and the like. Yet for generation after generation, previous waves of immigrants and people from poor backgrounds have found meaningful work, leading to upward mobility, by working with their hands in the fields of agriculture, construction, mining, manufacturing, and industry, not to mention a slew of other professions, that the left considers demeaning forms of exploitation.

I know this because this is my own story. I was a janitor in high school. And, after having graduated college with a degree that was not marketable, I worked in industry for 11 years before I began working for COLAB, which has as one of its main goals the preservation of and valuing all job sectors in our region. 

Opportunity Costs of College

That brings us to the second path favored by progressives- the college career path. The website CollegeNPV (net present value) estimates, compares, and contrasts the return on investment by immediately going to work after high school versus going to college. To estimate return on investment, CollegeNPV calculates the net present value of schools and programs. The following factors are the primary drivers behind each return on investment: graduation likelihood and time frame; expected earnings versus debt for graduates and non-graduates, and opportunity costs of not entering the workforce immediately after high school. Guess what? Starting at McDonalds or virtually anywhere else and using that as a springboard to better-paying jobs in the future beats out a slew of college degrees in the long run!

Except for mainly STEM-grounded (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) occupations, “Welcome to McDonalds” is not a bad way to go for starters. Yet the left in CA is destroying these opportunities. Nevertheless, having an undergraduate degree in family and human sciences, liberal arts, psychology, education, visual and performing arts, and even communication technologies, are all guaranteed losers compared to an honest day’s work in any number of jobs that don’t require a college degree.

In essence, the left is systematically destroying jobs that comprised many a rung on the ladder to success to the detriment of the people who need these jobs the most, resulting in the elimination of entry-level jobs and blue-collar middle-class jobs.

That is why I am urging you to vote for the blue-collar billionaire.

One thought on “Caldwell: If Only Kamala Had Really Worked at McDonald’s!

  1. Everything I know about business; I learned as a paperboy. Today, in Kommifornia, it is considered child labor violation to work a s a paperboy/girl. I know, the once great papers are now shadows of their once powerful circulation and influence but the point it, the demorats do not value labor and a good start in the workforce.
    Mom and Pop corner grocery stores no longer exist where kids could be bagboys, janitors, stockboys and even learn to be a butcher apprentice. Instead, wait for Uncle Komrade to give you an enacted right of privilege, but only if you check the boxes of being non-white or an Asian A student. Otherwise, it is assumed that you are already rich and successful because you are not a category that pander to. Such BS! Nothing substitutes for hard work!

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