“If You Think You’re Going to Have a Peaceful Democratic Convention While Our People Are Starving… Stay Tuned!” – Black Chicago Residents Issue Warning to Democrats and Biden

The 1968 Democrat Convention broke down into a riot.  Radically took it over, both the convention and streets.  It was anarchy, chaos and violence.  Now we have TWO sources of riots and violence to tear down the 2024 Democrat convention in Chicago.

  1.  The black community is being decimated by the Biden importation of illegal aliens—forcing overcrowded schools, hotels closing so they only serve illegal aliens, streets crowded by sleeping illegal aliens and hundreds of millions being spent on them, rather the honest black community.  In Chicago, with a black Mayor, blacks have become third class citizens.
  2. The Hamas wing of the Democrat Party will also try to stop the convention.  They will close down, I predict, the Platform Committee discussion if the proposed Platform does not call for the end of the State of Israel.  Sadly, Schumer and other Jewish Democrats will cave on their support of Israel against rape, beheading and terrorism.

Expect riots in Chicago and other cities to rival the 2020 Floyd riots, which caused billions in damages and many killed and injured—without much in the way of arrests and prosecutions.  The 2024 convention will be why Republicans win big next November.

“If You Think You’re Going to Have a Peaceful Democratic Convention While Our People Are Starving… Stay Tuned!” – Black Chicago Residents Issue Warning to Democrats and Biden (VIDEO)

By Cristina Laila, The Gateway Pundit,  12/3/23  https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/12/if-you-think-youre-going-have-peaceful-democratic/

Black Chicago residents are furious that Joe Biden’s illegal aliens are taking up the city’s resources.

Black residents issued a stark warning to the Democrat party last week at Chicago City Hall.

Earlier this year the Democrat National Committee announced that Chicago will host the 2024 Democratic National Convention.

Chicago residents have been outraged over the influx of illegal aliens and the strain they are putting on the city’s resources.

Black residents who depend on government resources such as housing, healthcare and food, are being pushed aside for the illegal invaders.

“This is about our people demanding the resources just as you’ve given these people – these newcomers that walk into this country! How do you take a new group of people that have paid no taxes, can’t vote and you put them in front of the voters!” an angry resident said.

The fed-up black resident warned Democrats that there won’t be a peaceful Democrat National Convention in the sanctuary city of Chicago next year.

“We’re going to show you how we feel about the Democratic National Convention. If you think you’re going to have a peaceful Democratic National Convention in Chicago while our people are starving? Stay tuned!” one black resident warned.

The black resident said blacks would support Republican politicians as long as they support closing the border.


Recall that Chicago residents rioted and protested during the 1968 Democrat National Convention.

One thought on ““If You Think You’re Going to Have a Peaceful Democratic Convention While Our People Are Starving… Stay Tuned!” – Black Chicago Residents Issue Warning to Democrats and Biden

  1. This might be the next proverbial Great Chicago fire of the 1880s when a cow reportedly knocked over a lamp in the barn.

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