‘I’m A Little Worried About What My Son Is Learning In School,’ Says Dangerous Domestic Terrorist

Today government has declared us all “domestic terrorists”.  If you have written about CRT being racist, didn’t like 7th graders taught to use oral sex as a preventative to pregnancy, if you are concerned that hating America is being taught in the classroom, that is a priori evidence you are a domestic terrorist.

Worse, if you go to a school board meeting demanding your child receive an education—or you go to a city council meeting begging they do not make you a second class citizen, with no rights to go to a restaurant, movie, gym, or indoor store without first taking the jab—which they ADMIT dos not work, since they also want everybody to wear a mask at all times.

Based on this, I admit I am a domestic terrorist—am expecting the FBI at my door, like the Gestapo, at any time.

‘I’m A Little Worried About What My Son Is Learning In School,’ Says Dangerous Domestic Terrorist

BabylonBee.com, 10/6/21 

EL MONTE, CA—”I’m a little worried about what my son is learning school,” said a dangerous domestic terrorist at a school board meeting earlier today.

The radical insurrectionist went on to say that “teaching kids to be racist and all about graphic depictions of sex seems a little problematic to me,” confirming fears that she has been radicalized by fanatical right-wingers.

She was quickly added to the FBI Most Wanted list after expressing her concern that her children were being influenced by Marxist teachings and radical sex instruction by crazed left-wing nutjobs. Experts say she may be part of a growing number of deranged extremists who violently question the government’s ownership of their children by attending the “open comments” portion of a school board meeting. 

At publishing time, she had confirmed her belief that parents should be the number-one influence on a child’s mind and that the government does not own her children, causing FBI agents to gun her down on the spot, saving us all.