Industrial-Scale Election Fraud – Did It Happen?

Do you think election fraud happened?  If not why is the media refusing to report stories of corruption and fraud—like the 440,000 lives ballot in California that went to dead people and those who have moved out of the State?

This article tells, from an insider in the cybersecurity industry on how easy it is to fix a computer to make a report your want.

Industrial-Scale Election Fraud – Did It Happen?

By Jay Valentine, American Thinker,  1/21/21 

I’ve read pieces from congress people, CEOs of tech companies, from hacks on television (like Karl Rove) that there was no election fraud, let’s move on. 

Wait just a minute. 

I led the team that built the fraud detection engine for the largest online auction house on the planet.  They were on the front page of USA Today because some mother never received that gift for her child after sending in her last dollar.  The auction house publicly said their multi-billion-dollar brand was in jeopardy.

I led industrial-scale fraud investigations in the biggest of the big leagues, and proved fraud.

Cyberauction fraud is really complicated. A perp runs a scam where they sell a computer, for instance, get paid and ship the product.  They do this for weeks, building trust.  Then they sell 20 computers, keep the dough, ship nothing, and off they go.

What can the auction house do? 

They kick the perp off the site. What does the perp do?  He changes his name, credit card, mailing address, every bit of information about himself and rejoins as a new, clean seller.  And another bunch of customers gets screwed!

The Secret Service, the FBI, about every fraud detection company tried to solve a problem where the perp changed every identifier thus left no trail.  No pattern recognition.  No matching on any field.  Neural net = zero. Nothing.

Well, my team built a cyber-fraud technology and solved the problem.  We broke insurance fraud rings where the insurance firm’s 30-person, police trained, 25-year experienced fraud team said there was no fraud.  The funniest example is where we flagged a doctor, the recipient of a decade’s worth of six figure checks from this insurer.  The fraud team said the guy was clean.  Nothing to see here!

The CEO, sitting at the head of the board room table looked at us.  We smiled.  We then showed the address to which they had sent several million dollars was a federal prison.

We were hired by most of the top 10 property and casualty insurance firms to find fraud they could not find any other way, fraud that their expert teams said did not exist.  It did, at industrial scale.

We quickly learned fraud is icky, unsightly, uncomfortable and those with a vested interest in not finding it, because they couldn’t, denied it.  Happens all the time.

My team and I know industrial-level fraud and I can tell you with 100% certainty that the 2020 presidential election had massive, organized, discoverable fraud in most of the swing states.

How do I know this in the face of virtually every media company denying significant fraud?

Let’s do a fraud look-see, actually several, together. 

Industrial fraud in insurance, Medicaid, or credit cards never starts with a flashing red light with letters, in English and Spanish, saying fraud, look here! There must be a starting point and the starting point is often only one or two cases that lead to tens of thousands of incidents across hundreds of participants. 

Let’s see if there are any starting points here:

Jesse, a truck driver, has a semi-tractor rig delivering dogfood to pet shops across America.  This particular brand is the expensive stuff yuppies buy for their Schnoodle dogs bred by crossing Schnauzers and Poodles and costing about $1,000.  Only the best for Pierre.

Jesse, our truck driver, sees something sketchy.  He has been driving this route for months, yet something this day is different.  Jesse looks into the truck and sees the labels do not quite look the same.  He reports it to his boss, then to the trucking service, and nobody does anything.

Jesse, a dog lover, goes to PETA and they do a video.  Jesse signs an affidavit under penalty of perjury, gets on TV for a couple of days saying this dog food may not be the real thing.  It might be fake, from China.  He just wants someone, anyone to look into it. 

Dog lovers across America would stop buying that dog food until the company had an open, public investigation.  The board of directors would probably fire the CEO if an investigation showed she was not all over this possible claim.  Sales would collapse.  No major pet chain would carry the dog food until everything was investigated.

Ya think maybe there would be a full-scale investigation?  Do you think people would stand up and say:  “…there is no evidence!  There is no reason to investigate!”

A third-tier media company obtains the laptop from the cocaine addicted, meth-addled son of the Borthreed Aerospace CEO Joe Asterisk.  It is legally secured from a computer repair store where it was abandoned.

On the laptop, there are emails saying that the CEO Asterisk and his loser son have done a deal with China and the “Big Guy,” probably the CEO, gets 10% of the take.

What would the board do?

Faster than a flying bullet they suspend the CEO, call in the FBI, bring in an outside law firm, and publish every detail of every discovery.  The FAA, FBI, state agencies, foreign governments launch investigations. Every email on that laptop would become public.

For either of these examples, who would stand up in public and say:  “Where’s the evidence?”

You just love that new Asian fusion place in downtown, on that gentrified block where the African Americans have been pushed out so Millennial snowflakes can open coffee shops.

One night you are watching TV, that bottle of Chardonnay at hand.  You see a TV crew in front of the restaurant.  The health inspectors are there for a sanitary inspection.  But the employees are putting cardboard over the windows so the inspectors cannot see in.  You hear the manager say:  you can look in, through the edge of the cardboard, but you must stand 30 feet back.  COVID policy!

Do you think this may be a starting point?  Are you going to call in there for your next takeout meal?

One more: It’s a local school board election.  At risk is the charter school your entire neighborhood loves.  It is the only hope for your kids getting into college.

The night of the election, they announce there is a water main break and everyone needs to leave. 

A few days later, you learn there was no water main break.  Then a video comes out showing they were taking ballots from under the tables and tossing them, unexamined, unvetted, and unwitnessed, in with all the rest. 

Oh, the charter school was voted to be closed.  There was overwhelming support for shutting it down.  Everyone you know wanted it open, but alas, no, it is to be closed.  The people have spoken.

Would you believe in that result?  Would you be cool with “…no evidence of fraud here.  Nothing to see.”

So, in the 2020 Presidential election, where is the evidence of fraud?

All you have to do is change the context to dog food labels, to the local restaurant health inspector, to Borthreed Aerospace, or the school election — in that context, yes, there was enough obvious fraud to do investigations at industrial scale.

In these examples, there was enough evidence to destroy CEO careers, shut manufacturing plants down, upend careers.

After you get your starting point, and they are everywhere, the first question you should ask is:  “who benefits from denying fraud with all these obvious starting points?”

You know you would not buy that dog food, you would not eat at that restaurant, you would not buy Borthreed stock, and you would not believe that charter school vote without complete investigations.

So why do you believe Karl Rove?