This may be the first time in history that Americans are cheering against an “American” Team. The Women’s Soccer Team at the Olympics have demeaned the flag and our nation,, but our volunteers and donors sent them to Tokyo—and they are using the photo opportunity to denounce our nation.
So, since they believe the nation is racist—the black women on the Team must be tokens, then they have only one choice in the Games.
: “Yeah, we didn’t score any goals against Sweden last night, but that was totally on purpose,” said star player and beloved activist Megan Rapinoe. “This isn’t the time to score goals—when America is still racist. We totally could have beaten Sweden but we decided as a team that no goals will be scored until complete equality has been achieved in America. Also, we demand a hefty raise.”
As you eat a Subway sandwich, promoted by this American hater, remember you are financing her lifestyle.
Inspiring: US Women’s Soccer Team To Boycott Scoring Goals Until Racism Is Defeated, 7/21/21
TOKYO—People were stunned after the U.S. women’s soccer team lost to Sweden in the Olympics this week by a score of 3-0—until the team revealed they are boycotting scoring any goals until racism is defeated.
“Yeah, we didn’t score any goals against Sweden last night, but that was totally on purpose,” said star player and beloved activist Megan Rapinoe. “This isn’t the time to score goals—when America is still racist. We totally could have beaten Sweden but we decided as a team that no goals will be scored until complete equality has been achieved in America. Also, we demand a hefty raise.”
Onlookers were stunned during the second half of the game when Rapinoe dribbled the ball all the way to Sweden’s unprotected goal and whispered “This is for you, people of color,” before kicking the ball straight into the air and running headfirst into the goalpost.
“This may be one of the most powerful performances in the history of sports,” said Teen Vogue‘s sportswriter who has never watched sports.
The U.S. Women’s team is demanding to remain in the Olympic tournament and promises to continue its streak of zero goals. Inspiring!