Insurance firm doesn’t want to pay for San Bernardino County’s settlement with Colonies developer

At one time San Bernadine was run by a corrupt Board of Supervisors.  They had bag men, Supervisors that took bribes sand cocaine.   Some went to jail—one of the Supervisors that took bribes and used cocaine is back on the streets—acting as a lobbyist for corporations and government agencies!!

“Two years after San Bernardino County settled with Rancho Cucamonga developer Jeff Burum and his Colonies Partners investor group, the county’s insurance company says it doesn’t want to pay for the multi-million settlement agreement.

The settlement “arose out of the willful or intentional acts of the County, its district attorneys, or investigators,” the 22-page complaint, filed on behalf of Ironshore Specialty Insurance Co., reads in part.

In a complaint filed Aug. 29 in U.S. District Court, Ironshore asked a judge to declare that the company isn’t responsible for paying the $69 million settlement, reached in 2020 after Burum and others sued the county for malicious prosecution related to a 2006 settlement following a dispute over flood-control basins at the Colonies development in Upland.

Should an insurance company pay for the corruption of a government agency?  That is the question.

Insurance firm doesn’t want to pay for San Bernardino County’s settlement with Colonies developer

Ironshore Specialty Insurance says the settlement arose out of intentional acts by the county, which are exempt under state law

By BEAU YARBROUGH, The Sun,  9/9/22

Two years after San Bernardino County settled with Rancho Cucamonga developer Jeff Burum and his Colonies Partners investor group, the county’s insurance company says it doesn’t want to pay for the multi-million settlement agreement.

The settlement “arose out of the willful or intentional acts of the County, its district attorneys, or investigators,” the 22-page complaint, filed on behalf of Ironshore Specialty Insurance Co., reads in part.

In a complaint filed Aug. 29 in U.S. District Court, Ironshore asked a judge to declare that the company isn’t responsible for paying the $69 million settlement, reached in 2020 after Burum and others sued the county for malicious prosecution related to a 2006 settlement following a dispute over flood-control basins at the Colonies development in Upland.

In its complaint, Ironshore argues that the 2011 prosecutions were the result of “a conspiracy to retaliate against the Colonies II Plaintiffs as part of a decades-long dispute over land and water rights in Upland, California, culminating in a malicious prosecution of Burum” and others.

And that, according to Ironshore, means the company isn’t required to pay for the settlement.

San Bernardino County, for its part, isn’t giving up without a fight.

“The county is aware of the lawsuit and intends to engage in a vigorous defense,” county spokesman David Wert wrote in an emailed statement.

It’s the latest twist in a 20-year legal battle between the county and the Colonies’ developers:


No matter what happens with its suit, Ironshore is not on the hook for the full $69 million settlement. The county’s policy with the company is for payments above $52.5 million, meaning the company would pay $16.5 million for the settlement.

In its complaint, Ironshore notes the “insurance does not apply to a ‘claim’ or ‘suit’ against (the county) for: Any liability arising out of criminal, fraudulent, dishonest or malicious acts or omissions committed by or at the direction of the insured.”

Ironshore refers to California Insurance Code, which says insurers are “not liable for a loss caused by the willful act of the insured.” But section 533, which the argument cites, also says an insurer is “not exonerated by the negligence of the insured, or of the insured’s agents or others,” potentially putting the county in the position of arguing that the 2020 Colonies settlement was due to negligence by the District Attorney’s Office, not “willful conduct.”

The policy also says it will not provide coverage for any lawsuit settlements to which Ironshore did not agree to. According to the company’s complaint, the county did not ask for or get written consent from Ironshore before agreeing to the settlement.

Burum declined to comment for this story. He and the other plaintiffs in the 2020 settlement have already been paid, according to Wert.