Is Democrat Katie Porter Allowing her child to be emotionally abused at School? Why?

I bet you thought that Democrat Congresswoman Katie Porter, a former law professor was an adult with common sense.  She is asking an 18 year old, with autism, a high school drop out, how to explain the world to her child—from a child with NO education.

“California Rep. Katie Porter needed some parenting advice from ‘climate activist’ Greta Thunberg who is 18-years-old. Rep. Porter wanted to know what she should be telling her daughter who thinks the ‘earth is on fire and we’re all going to die soon.’

“I have a nine-year-old daughter, I have three kids, and I told my nine-year-old daughter that I was going to be speaking with you. And I said, what do you think about the climate change? Climate change? And she said, ‘the earth is on fire and we’re all going to die soon.’ And I asked her how that made her feel and she said it made her feel angry. What should I tell my daughter and how should I help her and the youngest generation bear the emotional toll of the actions that we’re taking, fossil fuel companies are taking to destroy our planet,” the congresswoman asked Thunberg.

Why does Porters kid think the world is on fire?  Because her mother is unstable, no common sense and prefers government to government her life.  But, she wants to be the government. Maybe Katie can explain to her kid why discrimination against Asians is a good thing—she supported Prop. 16.  Or she could explain how the genocidal killing of 117646 black babies in 2018 by Planned Parenthood is not like Nazi Germany? It is obvious this little child is being mentally abused by her mother—it is time for Child Services to save the child—and get the mother the emotional and mental help she needs.

CA Democrat Congresswoman Asks Swedish Teen Greta Thunberg For Parenting Advice

By The Scoop, Gateway Pundit,  4/23/21 

California Rep. Katie Porter needed some parenting advice from ‘climate activist’ Greta Thunberg who is 18-years-old. Rep. Porter wanted to know what she should be telling her daughter who thinks the ‘earth is on fire and we’re all going to die soon.’

“I have a nine-year-old daughter, I have three kids, and I told my nine-year-old daughter that I was going to be speaking with you. And I said, what do you think about the climate change? Climate change? And she said, ‘the earth is on fire and we’re all going to die soon.’ And I asked her how that made her feel and she said it made her feel angry. What should I tell my daughter and how should I help her and the youngest generation bear the emotional toll of the actions that we’re taking, fossil fuel companies are taking to destroy our planet,” the congresswoman asked Thunberg.

Greta Thungberg’s answer was no help at all where she said the child should, ‘take action herself.’

“That’s a big, big question, and I know that there are many young people who feel angry and sad because of all the things that some people are doing to this planet and to our futures and to to the most affected people already today. And that’s very understandable. It would be strange if we didn’t feel that way because then we wouldn’t have any empathy. So I would, but of course there is still much hope and if we choose to take action that we can do this. And I mean, there’s unlimited things that we can do. And if we choose to act together, there are no limits to what we can accomplish. And, of course, always the best medication against anger and anxiety is to take action yourself. So that’s what I would tell her. To take action herself, because that will make her feel so much better. That’s what it did to me, at least, and so many others,” Thunberg answered.