Jack Cox: Bringing Down a President: Gross Failures by Everyone

Few presidents have done as much in four years, much less eight, than President Trump.  Here are some of his accomplishments:

  • “Unprecedented Economic Boom
  • Tax Relief for The Middle Class
  • Massive Deregulation
  • Middle East Initiatives
  • Fair and Reciprocal Trade
  • American Energy Independence
  • Responding to the China Virus,
  • Remaking The Federal Judiciary Including The Supreme Court 
  • Securing the Border
  • Restoring American Leadership
  • Rebuilding the Military
  • Protecting Communities, Life, And Religious Liberty
  • Expanding Educational Opportunity

Add to this his three Supreme Court appointments and over 200 judges to the Federal bench, all unlike the Obama-Biden appointees, are supporters and upholders of the Constitution.

So you can understand why the Democrats had to move heaven and earth to destroy President Trump—before his policies could totally take hold.  Was this a coup?  History will report the true story.

Bringing Down a President: Gross Failures by Everyone

By Jack Cox, President, The Communications Institute, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 1/19/21

Outside organizations on the right and left have throughout our nation’s history sought to bring down elected leaders through pressure but none have been as effective as today. It used to be that an honest press would educate the public but today it is through rumor and misinformation committed to achieving a political goal. Most journalism today is committed not to conveying truth but political ideology. All of this compounded by “Big Tech” that shares none of the values of traditional journalism or the First Amendment itself.

Prevention of the Capitol riots January 6th is of one of the greatest domestic intelligence failures of our lifetime that have shaken the very foundation of our Republic. Ironically, only the press is talking about these failures now!

The fall of President Donald J. Trump is unprecedented. Everyone contributed to it including the President’s detractors, some supporters, the news media, law enforcement, and, yes, the President himself with self-focus.   The Democratic party and its officials skillfully used a scalpel to dissect the President and now brought to a crescendo with his second impeachment. This is like a Shakespearean play, tragedy.

I have supported the President’s policies and important game changing initiatives. Here is a short list of the Trump Administration’s huge accomplishments:

  • Unprecedented Economic Boom
  • Tax Relief for The Middle Class
  • Massive Deregulation
  • Middle East Initiatives
  • Fair and Reciprocal Trade
  • American Energy Independence
  • Responding to the China Virus,
  • Remaking The Federal Judiciary Including The Supreme Court 
  • Securing the Border
  • Restoring American Leadership
  • Rebuilding the Military
  • Protecting Communities, Life, And Religious Liberty
  • Expanding Educational Opportunity

Unfortunately, the Trump Presidency will be seen as culminating in a riot in the United States Capitol with death and destruction. Without that blemish, the President would have departed Washington to fight another day and serve as constructive opposition. It appears that this will not be the role President Trump. The tragedy we learned this week was that the riots could have been avoided had law enforcement and Congressional leaders and staff responded to the intelligence that predicted the melee.

FBI/US Capitol Police Intelligence Predicted Violence 6 Days in Advance

The FBI received a report from it’s Norfolk office the day before the riots that they had reliable intelligence about their potential. The Associated Press reported the FBI had warned that extremists were preparing to come to Washington, attack Congress and engage in “war,” according to a report in The Washington Post

NBC News, among many news organizations, later reported that the “FBI and the New York City Police Department passed information to U.S. Capitol Police about the possibility of violence during the protests Wednesday against the counting of the Electoral College vote, and the FBI even visited more than a dozen extremists already under investigation to urge them not to travel to Washington, senior law enforcement officials said.”

The network went on to note that “the previously unreported details undercut the assertion by a top FBI official that officials had no indication that violence was a possibility, and they add to questions about what intelligence authorities had reviewed before the Capitol riot, which led to the death of an officer and four other people, including a rioter who was shot and killed by police.”

The Washington Post reported Saturday on an intelligence report by the Capitol Police that predicted violent riots six days in advance. “Two people familiar with the report said it was not shared widely outside the police force. An FBI official, speaking on the condition of anonymity because the agency has a policy of not discussing internal intelligence products, said,At this time, it does not appear such a product was ever shared with the FBI through the normal intelligence sharing channels.”

The Post notes that Congressional Sergeant of Arms in the House and the Senate didn’t listen: “On Jan. 4, the day after the intelligence unit shared its warning and conclusions with more than a dozen Capitol Police command staff members, Sund (Sund, the Capitol Police Chief) said he asked the Senate and House sergeants at arms for permission to put the National Guard on emergency standby.”

The Post also reported Sund said House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving and Senate Sergeant at Arms Michael Stenger rejected that idea and suggested he instead informally seek out his Guard contacts, asking them to “lean forward” and be on alert in case Capitol Police needed help.”

This is a huge intelligence failure with unbelievable ramifications including the impeachment of a Sitting President of the United States. Here are the big questions that cry for answers:

  • Who silenced reports being made public in advance?
  • Who profited by this screw up? It certainly wasn’t Donald J. Trump!
  • Why weren’t the President, Congress and law enforcement and military provided this and other intelligence in advance.
  • Why didn’t the Speaker of House Pelosi act? Was this her final act of political retribution?
  • Why wasn’t the District of Columbia National Guard Mobilized days in advance? The Guard Armory is just 1.9 miles from the Capitol.

Regardless of your position on the honesty of the elections, any candidate and his supporters have a perfect right to raise question and take peaceful, legal actions under the law to deal with their perception. However, I am sure the White House and its supporters would have changed plans if they knew about the potential of violent riots.

Republicans Need to Demand Answers

I am astonished that almost no Republican official or others interested in honest government have confronted this colossal intelligence failure that left the White House and the President himself blind to the threats they faced. President Trump was totally let down by law enforcement and, ironically, by the FBI whose former leaders conspired to destroy him. This is a tragedy. With the inauguration of President Elect Biden I am afraid that we will never know the answers to the questions. Our leaders need ask them.


Jack Cox was Chief of Staff to US Congressman Barry Goldwater, Jr. He was attached to the Intelligence Communications Unit of the District of Columbia US Army National Guard for four years and served on duty during every major anti-war demonstration during the Nixon Presidency. He is also a former reporter who covered law enforcement and spent 36 years working with national news media.