Joe Biden Appears to Think January 20th, The Day He Took Office, Was 15 Months Ago

Joe Biden thinks he has been in office for 15 months.  At FEMA he could not make a coherent statement.  In Texas he was confused, not sure where he was or why?  Yesterday he claimed that in 18 years EVERY hospital bed in the nation would be filled with Alzheimer’s patients—just ask the nurses!  In fact, he needs one of those beds now.

“During a speech on Wednesday, President Joe Biden suffered from another misstatement when he claimed January 20th, the day he took office, was fifteen months ago.

The comment from Biden came as he was discussing the decline in daily coronavirus cases since January 20th.

Since January 20, we’re talking now about 15 months ago, the average daily cases are down from 184,000 to 19,000,” Biden said during the speech.

He does not know that he was not President till January 20,2021.  Yet, he is meeting with Putin.  Will he remember the meeting and what he gave away?  Maybe it is his obvious dementia that has caused him to fill the White House and his Administration with Jew and Israel haters?  That is a legacy the Democrat Party will take years to live down.

WATCH: Joe Biden Appears to Think January 20th, The Day He Took Office, Was 15 Months Ago

by Collin Rugg, Trending Politiics,  6/2/21    

During a speech on Wednesday, President Joe Biden suffered from another misstatement when he claimed January 20th, the day he took office, was fifteen months ago.

The comment from Biden came as he was discussing the decline in daily coronavirus cases since January 20th.

Since January 20, we’re talking now about 15 months ago, the average daily cases are down from 184,000 to 19,000,” Biden said during the speech.


We at Trending Politics pride ourselves in providing the American people with facts and honesty. We have rated President Biden claim as FALSE.

Biden was correct in his statement that daily reported cases are down from 184,000 to 19,000 however his timeline for the data is completely wrong.

January 20th, when cases were at 184,000, was 4 months and 13 days ago from today, not 15 months like Biden claimed.

It is unclear if Biden made a mistake or if he actually thinks January 20th, 2021, when cases were at 184,000, was 15 months ago.

Democrats and left-wing leaders have continuously lied and misled the American people in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. One example, is Dr. Anthony Fauci. According to a bombshell new email, Dr. Fauci was told that the COVID-19 pandemic “looked engineered” yet decided to stay quiet and instead promoted Chinese propaganda that there was no evidence the coronavirus could have been engineered in a lab.

The new revelation is damning for Fauci considering it appears to prove he is not credible.

In an email from infectious disease expert and professor at Scripps Research Kristian G. Andersen on January 31, 2020, Fauci was told that some of the features of the virus “(potentially) looked engineered.”

“Yes, I saw this earlier today and both Eddie and myself are actually quoted in it,” the email from Andersen began. “It’s a great article, but the problem is that our phylogenetic analyses aren’t able to answer whether the sequences are unusual at individual residues, except if they are completely off. On a phylogenetic tree the virus looks totally normal and the close clustering with bats suggest that bats serve as the reservoir. The unusual features of the virus make up a really small part of the genome (<0.1%) so one has to look really closely at all the sequences to see that some of the features (potentially) look engineered.”

The revelation is extremely concerning because Fauci has been promoting Chinese and media propaganda over the past year, stating that there is no evidence suggesting that the virus could have come from a lab. This now appears to be a total lie.