Joe Biden Hates Israel and Jews—Proves it by Israel Policy and Personnel Appointments

Obama and Biden for eight years did all they could to protect terrorists and destroy Israel.  Now, Biden has dumped the peace process that created peace in the Middle East—and caused Hamas and Iran to try to militarily destroy Israel.

Worse he appoints someone to represent him to the Jewish community, who believes that Jews should hide being Jews like in Nazi Germany.

“Aaron Keyak, Jewish Engagement Director at Biden for President, said Friday, “take off your kippah (head covering) and hide your magen david (star of David)” if you fear for your life as a Jew.

Keyak’s comments follow a major increase in antisemitic incidents:

Jewish and non-Jewish Twitter users criticized Keyak’s recommendation to hide Jewish identity. One woman replied to Keyak, “I wore my Magen David today. It’s a little on the small side. I need a bigger one. And I do fear for my safety in the ‘current climate.’”

This is hate speech.  Instead of denouncing anti-Semitism, Biden protects it and makes Jews the problem.  Why would anyone vote for a Democrat that supports Biden and his hate Jews agenda?

Biden Campaign’s Jewish Engagement Director Tells Jews to Hide Their Judaism

Madelaine Hubbard, Breitbart,  5/26/21   

Aaron Keyak, Jewish Engagement Director at Biden for President, said Friday, “take off your kippah (head covering) and hide your magen david (star of David)” if you fear for your life as a Jew.

Keyak’s comments follow a major increase in antisemitic incidents:

Jewish and non-Jewish Twitter users criticized Keyak’s recommendation to hide Jewish identity. One woman replied to Keyak, “I wore my Magen David today. It’s a little on the small side. I need a bigger one. And I do fear for my safety in the ‘current climate.’”

One man asked Keyak, “Should I hide my eyes to avoid being targeted for being Asian?”

Comparing Keyak’s statement to victim-blaming, another Twitter user said, “She was wearing an awfully short skirt….”

Breitbart News’ Joel Pollak encouraged self-defense over fear:

The Biden Administration passed executive orders in support of gun control. Keyak has made several comments online in support of gun control in the past:

Despite receiving backlash from his statement, Keyak doubled down on his position, saying, “It’s important that those who wear kippot (head coverings) don’t feel more pressure to put our lives in unnecessary actual danger.”

In September 2020, Keyak blamed former President Donald Trump for antisemitism in the United States, saying, “We know that Donald Trump’s use of antisemitic tropes has emboldened all those who hate Jews.”

Keyak still serves as the Jewish Engagement Director for Joe Biden for president, according to Bluelight Strategies, the company he c0founded.

President Joe Biden took days to condemn the rise in antisemitic attacks, only doing so on Monday.

As reported by Breitbart News, ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt said while his organization called out former President Donald Trump at times, “‘none of the people committing’ recent antisemitic attacks ‘were wearing MAGA hats,’ rather, ‘we have people waving Palestinian flags and then beating Jewish people.’”

Antisemitic incidents are on the rise globally. According to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), “During the two weeks of military conflict between Israel and Hamas in May 2021, antisemitic incidents in the U.S. reported to ADL increased by 63% compared to the two weeks before the fighting began, from 126 to 205, according to preliminary data.”

A Twitter analysis by the ADL revealed more than 17,000 tweets between May 7 and May 14, 2021, contained a variation of the phrase “Hitler was right.”

Recent antisemitic incidents reported by Breitbart News include a group in London yelling, “F*** the Jews,” and “Rape their daughters,” as well as a masked pro-Palestinian mob allegedly attacking Jewish diners in Los Angeles and a pro-Israel walk in Illinois being disrupted by protestors yelling “Kill the Jews.”