As I predicted, the government now realizes they have a health disaster on their hands with the mandated, dangerous vaccine that causes everything from heart problems, to kidney problems to possible infertility. The data was clear; these vaccines are dangerous for the long run. I predicted that sometime in the future the government would start investigation the negative effects, as people got ill. The good news is that Biden in his state of dementia has begun the process.
““After getting your #COVID19 booster shot, be sure to use v-safe to get your personalized and confidential text message check-ins about how you feel,” Assistant Secretary for Health Dr. Rachel Levine — born Robert Levine — said on Tuesday.
“Learn more about v-safe and sign up if you haven’t already:,” he added.
The little-talked about after-vaccine health checker, pushed by Biden officials, essentially has enrolled individuals conduct health check-ins “via text messages and web surveys so you can quickly and easily share with CDC how you, or your dependent, feel after getting a COVID-19 vaccine.”
We already know that tens of thousands of vaccinated people have died, hundreds of thousands had negative effects with many needed to be hospitalized. This is going to be a major health crisis—and like the “two week lockdown” they are starting to admit it via a voluntary call in system—wait for the real action to begin.
Joe Biden’s HHS Encouraging Vaccinated Americans to Enroll in ‘After Vaccine Health Checker

HANNAH BLEAU, Breitbart, 3/8/22
President Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is encouraging vaccinated Americans to enroll in “v-safe,” a voluntary “after vaccine health checker” to report how they feel post-jab.
“After getting your #COVID19 booster shot, be sure to use v-safe to get your personalized and confidential text message check-ins about how you feel,” Assistant Secretary for Health Dr. Rachel Levine — born Robert Levine — said on Tuesday.
“Learn more about v-safe and sign up if you haven’t already:,” he added.
The little-talked about after-vaccine health checker, pushed by Biden officials, essentially has enrolled individuals conduct health check-ins “via text messages and web surveys so you can quickly and easily share with CDC how you, or your dependent, feel after getting a COVID-19 vaccine.”
“This information helps CDC monitor the safety of COVID-19 vaccines in near real time,” the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) claims, despite the fact that the vaccines were originally sold as both safe and effective.
The CDC also encourages parents to enroll their vaccinated dependents into the self-reporting monitoring system.
“During the first week after each vaccination, v-safe will send you a text message each day to ask how you are feeling. After that, you will receive occasional health check-ins,” the CDC states.
“Depending on your answers, someone from CDC may call to get more information. Your personal information in v-safe is protected so it’s safe and private*. You can opt out at any time,” then federal health agency assures.
According to the CDC, 65.1 percent of the total U.S. population is considered fully vaccinated.