Kamala Harris May Want to Think Twice Before Talking About Medical Decisions to Do with One’s ‘Own Body’

Kamala Harris must have caught the dementia that engulfs Joe Boden.  Otherwise she would not be so incoherent or confused as she is.  We know she laughs and cackles in very inappropriate times.  We know she hasn’t done a lick of work in years.  Now we find her mental capacity has been challenged.

After Texas declared that killing babies is wrong, she said, “it is my body my choice.

Now, she supports the idea that all Americans must be forced to take a vaccine, without a lot of data, that has shown to be ineffective ((316% growth in one year of those affected).

So a 20 year old woman according to Harris is capable of killing a baby, but the same woman is NOT capable of deciding to take a vaccine.

She is either a hypocrite or she has been infected with the dementia of Biden.  Either way, not a serious person.

Kamala Harris May Want to Think Twice Before Talking About Medical Decisions to Do with One’s ‘Own Body’

Rebecca Downs, Townhall,   9/9/21 

Vice President Kamala Harris is a particularly tone-deaf person, but it seems she has been particularly bad this week. On Thursday, the same day President Joe Biden announced particularly stringent vaccine mandates, Harris gave an impassioned address about “the rights of women to make decisions about their own bodies,” calling it “not negotiable.” 

Considering the vice president and the Biden-Harris administration overall is particularly pro-abortion, it’s not entirely surprising she would repeat the “my body, my choice” line ad nauseam. 

Even if one were to disregard for a moment that when a woman is pregnant, she is pregnant with the body of her unborn child, Harris’ comments are still hypocritical. 

Her own administration is infringing on people’s medical decisions, and they’re doing so out in the open. In his Thursday remarks, President Biden himself even acknowledged his administration was doing so when he said that getting vaccinated or not “is not about freedom or personal choice. It’s about protecting those around you.” 

On Wednesday, while campaigning for Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) ahead of his recall campaign, Harris sang the praises of the governor, while failing to address the grievances voters have against him when it comes to his handling of the pandemic. 

Being unable to help herself, the vice president did tout Newsom’s own pro-abortion position, even though the recall has little to nothing to do with the abortion issue.