Kamala Harris Starting To Worry Biden Will Fully Destroy America Before She Even Gets A Chance

In just four moths, the mentally challenged Joe Biden has created higher taxes, inflation, a war in the Middle East, dependence on terrorist nations to provide us with fuel—hence using U.S. dollars to fight a war and try to kill off Israel.  But Biden is smart enough not to trust the vaccine—which he took—yet still wears a mask, even when 100 feet from the nearest person—who also took the vaccine.

If Joe waits about 2-3 months before admitting what we all know, he is in the early stages of dementia and memory loss (at a recent Texas event after he spoke he asked an aide where was he and why was he here?) there may be nothing left for Kamala Harris to destroy when she is sworn in as President.

While this was written as satire, it is a serious question raised—give Biden four more months and what will be left of our nation—he took G-d out of the National Day or Prayer and support for the military out of Memorial Day.  Will he declare July 4th as flag burning day?

Kamala Harris Starting To Worry Biden Will Fully Destroy America Before She Even Gets A Chance


BabylonBee.com, 5/13/21 

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Vice President Kamala Harris has expressed her concern that she will never get a chance to destroy America, as Biden has lived much longer than expected and will ruin the entire country before she gets a crack at it.

“He’s lived through his first hundred days and already destroyed most of our institutions — there won’t be anything left for me to ruin,” said a nervous-looking Harris as she put her feet up on the Oval Office desk, as Biden was taking a nap. “I don’t know how much longer I can wait. Every time he destroys another industry, devalues the U.S. dollar, causes hyperinflation, or ruins the job economy, a little part of me dies inside — that little girl who wanted to be president and destroy everything — her dreams die.”

“Maybe we can pass some more constitutional amendments so I can destroy those? I don’t know. Whatever we need to do to ensure I still have things to break when he finally kicks the bucket.”

At publishing time, Harris had taken matters into her own hands and rubbed some barbecue sauce on Biden’s sleeping neck in hopes that Major Biden would take care of her little problem.