Kevin Faulconer Supports the Green New Deal

Be clear—Kevin Faulconer has the same environmental policies as AOC, Newsom, Schwarzenegger, Pelosi and the Democrat Party.

  • “Imposing an unsustainable multi-billion-dollar cost-of-living increase in San Diego in the next 30 years to pay for expensive retrofits on buildings and implement costly mandates and regulations on small businesses
  • Endorsing a “Toilet-to-Tap” program to force residents to drink recycled wastewater
  • Mandating draconian reductions that exceed even the crazy targets imposed by the Democrats’ supermajority in Sacramento
  • Stripping local communities of their voice in making land use decisions by endorsing the requirements of SB 375
  • Enhancing the ability of radical environmental groups to sue to stop job creation and impose costly requirements on projects
  • Mandate that virtually all city vehicles and busses be zero-emission – even though these vehicles are 4-6 times the cost to taxpayers
  • Supporting new water rate hikes that penalize individuals for “using too much water” (as determined by a government bureaucrat)

That is his record—just a portion of it creates over $8 billion in liabilities on the people of San Diego—imagine what he will do for California.  Though a Mayor, he supported having the State make zoning and permitting decisions, not the local city council.  He wants Sacramento to determine housing in Lodi, La Mesa and Stanton.  Thought you should know what the Establishment is trying to shove down our throats—a Schwarzenegger without the muscle—a killer of jobs and the economy.

(Disclosure:  I am not endorsing any candidate for Governor at this time)

Kevin Faulconer Supports the Green New Deal

Faulconer Failures,  4/30/21 

“One achievement Faulconer often touts is the passage of the city’s 2015 Climate Action Plan, which requires the city to cut its greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2035.”
–KPBS, Dec 9 2020

Kevin Faulconer supports the crazy Green New Deal ideas advanced by socialist Democrats like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders. As Mayor of San Diego, Faulconer joined with Democrats to force through his own “Climate Action plan” in 2015 over objections from Republicans and struggling small businesses.

Faulconer’s costly Climate Action Plan empowers big government, destroys jobs, and hurts working families by:

  • Imposing an unsustainable multi-billion-dollar cost-of-living increase in San Diego in the next 30 years to pay for expensive retrofits on buildings and implement costly mandates and regulations on small businesses
  • Endorsing a “Toilet-to-Tap” program to force residents to drink recycled wastewater
  • Mandating draconian reductions that exceed even the crazy targets imposed by the Democrats’ supermajority in Sacramento
  • Stripping local communities of their voice in making land use decisions by endorsing the requirements of SB 375
  • Enhancing the ability of radical environmental groups to sue to stop job creation and impose costly requirements on projects
  • Mandate that virtually all city vehicles and busses be zero-emission – even though these vehicles are 4-6 times the cost to taxpayers
  • Supporting new water rate hikes that penalize individuals for “using too much water” (as determined by a government bureaucrat)

Faulconer also supports the war on our cars – and even backs the crazy push to install mileage trackers on cars to impose a Congestion Tax to charge drivers a new fee for each mile they drive.

In 2019 and again in 2020, Faulconer supported the framework outlined by SANDAG to raid funds that voters specifically earmarked for road repairs, cancel highway projects and impose a Congestion Tax on drivers – all to fund high-speed rail, climate change and transit projects.

Do you want government to run your local electric utility? Kevin Faulconer and the Green New Deal socialists certainly do!

In 2019, Faulconer proposed and pushed through his misguided Community Choice Aggregation program which is part of the Green New Deal’s proposed government takeover of all electric utilities in the country. The goal of the government takeover of electric utilities is to ban all carbon-based energy sources and force residents and small businesses to pay 4-5 times higher costs for their energy. If you thought the service at the DMV was bad, wait until you experience a Faulconer-created government-run electric utility!

“When San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer announced his support for a government-run alternative to San Diego Gas & Electric this week, many political insiders were somewhat stunned…”
–San Diego Union Tribune, Oct 27, 2018.

UPDATE: On April 28 a study from Point Loma Nazarene University was released that reveals that taxpayers will face much higher energy rates, major risks, and over $8 billion in liabilities under Kevin Faulconer’s crazy big government takeover of San Diego’s electric utility that was inspired by the Green New Deal.