L.A. City Council Votes Unanimously to Replace Natural Gas with Unproven Hydrogen Power

Can you live and work in a city that has NO reliable or stable source of power?  The L.A. City Council has deiced energy is no longer a priority.  Instead, like the fraud of the COVID vaccines which had NO research or tests before being forced on Americans, L.A. wants to force an unproved, and VERY expensive source of energy on the people and businesses of L.A.

“The Los Angeles City Council voted unanimously Wednesday to move forward with an $800-million plan to convert the city’s largest gas-fired power plant to green hydrogen — a first-of-its-kind project that was hailed by supporters as an important step to solve the climate crisis but slammed by critics as a greenwashing boondoggle that will harm vulnerable communities.

The city’s ultimate goal is burning 100% green hydrogen — but [Department of Water and Power] officials have acknowledged the technology might not be ready right away. That means the initial fuel mix at Scattergood might include more planet-warming natural gas than hydrogen.”

The real effect of this effort will be to force businesses and families to flee the city—knowing that in the near future they will not have the electricity to keep the lights on and businesses running.  No energy.  Expensive unreliable energy—more reason to depopulate this Third World City.

L.A. City Council Votes Unanimously to Replace Natural Gas with Unproven Hydrogen Power

JOEL B. POLLAK, Breitbart,  2/9/23  

The Los Angeles City Council voted unanimously on Wednesday to convert a natural gas power plant to a new hydrogen system that critics say may not provide enough power and could cause more environmental damage.

The proposal is part of a “Green New Deal” adopted by former mayor Eric Garcetti to shutter three natural gas plants in favor of “renewable” energy — over objections that solar and wind power would not be sufficient, and that the move would cost thousands of union jobs.

Garcetti stuck with his plan even after the state suffered electricity shortages in 2020 and after Democrats lost a local special election in which the plan was a key issue.

The city council voted to take the first steps to implement Garcetti’s plan, according to the Los Angeles Times:

The Los Angeles City Council voted unanimously Wednesday to move forward with an $800-million plan to convert the city’s largest gas-fired power plant to green hydrogen — a first-of-its-kind project that was hailed by supporters as an important step to solve the climate crisis but slammed by critics as a greenwashing boondoggle that will harm vulnerable communities.

The city’s ultimate goal is burning 100% green hydrogen — but [Department of Water and Power] officials have acknowledged the technology might not be ready right away. That means the initial fuel mix at Scattergood might include more planet-warming natural gas than hydrogen.

In public comments before the vote, critics from groups including Communities for a Better Environment, Pacoima Beautiful and the Sierra Club noted that although hydrogen doesn’t produce planet-warming carbon emissions when burned, it does generate lung-damaging nitrogen oxide pollution — much more than gas, at least using current technology.

The city’s goal is to produce 100% “clean” electricity by 2035 — an even more aggressive goal than the state’s target of 100% renewable by 2045, though a recent state analysis suggested there is no plan to achieve it.

7 thoughts on “L.A. City Council Votes Unanimously to Replace Natural Gas with Unproven Hydrogen Power

  1. Bwahahahahaha! Where is the hydron going to be mined? Nowhere of course, it will be produced from natural gas through steam reforming. The ignorance is draw dropping!

  2. They have no way to make hydrogen for free. I figure in a yr. the hydrogen will blow up! (remember the Hindenburg).

    Good luck to California, and it’s hydrogen fuel!!!

  3. Uhhhhh did anyone bother to talk with So. Cal. Gas?

    They have a carbon neutral hybrid gas……they have had it for 2 years plus.

    But why talk to industry when you have a bunch of gov. troll on the taxpayer payroll.

  4. Who provides the hydrogen? Follow the money.
    Like windmills and solar panels this new Solindra tax drain will generate new millionaires all over California.
    And yet another excuse for brown outs.
    Natural gas IS the long term reliable power grid solution for the entire World. Availability, Cost and Cleanliness that can only be beat by scary but safe nuclear. All we need is a president who understands pre school science and math.
    But, as we all know fossil fuels are killing the planet, so it is OK to kill people today with overpriced energy, rather than wait until someone can actually prove the scare tactic unsubstantiated theories.

    1. There isns’t a ONE of their theories that has panned out in any form, it’s pure bull shyt. Nat gas is clean, there isn’t one iota of proof that CO2 does a darn thing to our ‘climate’ in a negative manner. FGN, FJB, F ALL DEMOCRAPS.

  5. This is the road down to Grandma’s house with Judas Priest,

    Here is the dirty secret.
    They do not care what happens in the interim. What their goal is – is to have us all on ELECTRIC POWER SO THEY CAN 100 PERCENT CONTROL US.

    No fuel will do unless we are all tied to it. Then with the click they shut you off if they do not like what you are doing, buying, saying or thinking. That is the goal.

    Sit back and watch the show. Our freedoms and country are being destroyed with our tax money. Let’s Go Brandon.

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