L.A. County Officially Declares Texas and Florida No Longer Exist

The California Attorney General has now declared the U.S. ONLY consists of thirty States—the other have disappeared in support of the Constitution.  Now L.A. County has declared that Florid and Texas-where many Californians are fleeing—does not exist.  Just because Board of Supervisors are ignorant—all of them—does not mean the people care what it says.  So while they can not go to a conference in Tampa or El Paso, residents of L.A. can move to these free States and laugh at the jerks running government here—into the ground.

“The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously Tuesday to suspend all official travel to Texas and Florida due to highly publicized policies directed at LGBTQ+ youth and families.

The motion by Supervisors Sheila Kuehl and Hilda Solis called for the suspension of all travel to the states except for instances when failing to authorize such a trip “would seriously harm the county’s interests.”

Kuehl is a well known lesbian—hence her motion was a conflict of interest.  If she wants to stay in Santa Monica, that is here business.  Trying keep the employees and the rest of our resident’s hostage is an abuse of power—some would say kidnapping.  The good news is that we do not have to listen to these buffoons—we can go and live anywhere we want.  You do not need to be civil to crazy people—you need to get them help.  I think we should move Kuehl to Dallas and force her to live under a legitimate government while getting the help for her mental breakdown.

LA County Bans Official Travel to Texas, Florida over LGBTQ+ Policieshttps://mynewsla.com/government/2022/04/05/la-county-bans-official-travel-to-texas-florida-over-lgbtq-policies/

by Contributing Editor, My News LA,  4/5/22 

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously Tuesday to suspend all official travel to Texas and Florida due to highly publicized policies directed at LGBTQ+ youth and families.

The motion by Supervisors Sheila Kuehl and Hilda Solis called for the suspension of all travel to the states except for instances when failing to authorize such a trip “would seriously harm the county’s interests.”

The move came in response to measures taken in both states that have made headlines.

In Texas, Gov. Greg Abbott ordered that gender-affirming treatments provided to transgender youth be investigated as child abuse. The declaration has led health providers in that state to suspend the treatments.

In Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis recently signed into law the Parental Rights in Education Bill, which restricts instruction about sexual orientation and gender identity in early grades. Critics have dubbed the measure the “Don’t Say Gay” law.

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In their motion, Kuehl and Solis said the Texas order “flies in the face of all that we know about best practices when it comes to supporting children and young adults to discover who they are and feel secure in their sense of self.”

“… Caregivers who support youth with affirming care should in no way be labeled as abusive,” according to the motion. “This order is discriminatory, harmful and just plain cruel.”

The contend the Florida law will “perpetuate a culture of bullying, secrecy, shame and fear.”

“Schools should be spaces that foster open discussion, critical thinking, meaningful engagement and the safe exploration of ideas,” they wrote. “The implementation of this bill would create an atmosphere that stifles such a culture and stifles learning itself.”

Abbott’s declaration last month followed an opinion issued by that state’s attorney general declaring that gender-affirming treatments fall under the category of child abuse under state law. Abbott then ordered the state to investigate any instances of minors undergoing “elective procedures for gender transitioning.”

In Florida, DeSantis has defended that state’s legislation, saying it “showed a commitment to education, not to indoctrination.”

“As the parent of three kids that are aged 5 and under, thank you for letting me and my wife be able to send our kids to kindergarten without them being sexualized,” he said.