How do you define failure? 72% of students do not meet math standards. That is an absolute failure. Any wonder parents have fled this racist, sex crazy district? The district has only about 9% white students left on campus-in most cases the parents like racism and prefer sex to science. They are getting what they want.
Click on the blue Los Angeles Times to read the full story. As far as I am concerned sending your child to LAUSD is a priori evidence of child abuse—it is certainly proof you do not want your child educated.

L.A. student scores show deep pandemic setbacks, with 72% failing to meet math standards — L.A. Unified test scores released Friday showed the harsh reality of the pandemic’s effects on learning across all grade levels, with about 72% of students not meeting state standards in math and about 58% not meeting standards in English, deep setbacks for a majority of Los Angeles schoolchildren who were already far behind. Aloma Esquivel, Howard Blume in the Los Angeles Times$ — 9/10/22