LA County Closes Beaches Over Soaring Levels Of Filth And Mismanagement

Like San Fran, every aspect of Los Angeles life is falling apart.  Failed schools, crime waves, mentally ill and drug addicts have over taken the city and county.  Now the beaches need to be closed—due to incompetent management by the County.

“Los Angeles County closed a series of beaches in early June due to soaring levels of filth.

A post shared by Los Angeles Public Health’s Twitter account revealed Monday many of the county’s most popular beaches are currently closed due to “recent sewage discharge.” Malibu Lagoon State Beach and areas a quarter mile to the north and south were officially closed, while a slew of other popular tourist and local hangout spots received ocean water use warnings.”

Watch as the collapse of L.A. speeds up—it could be like San Fran in less than a year.

LA County Closes Beaches Over Soaring Levels Of Filth And Mismanagement 

KAY SMYTHE, Daily Caller, 6/13/23 More

Los Angeles County closed a series of beaches in early June due to soaring levels of filth.

A post shared by Los Angeles Public Health’s Twitter account revealed Monday many of the county’s most popular beaches are currently closed due to “recent sewage discharge.” Malibu Lagoon State Beach and areas a quarter mile to the north and south were officially closed, while a slew of other popular tourist and local hangout spots received ocean water use warnings.

Sweetwater Canyon at Carbon Canyon Beach, Santa Monica Pier and Mother’s Beach (also known as Marina Beach) in Marina Del Rey, three of the most popular spots in the county, also received warnings due to excessive levels of bacteria. Each of the locations exceeded health standards during recent testing.

Things only get more stupid and dangerous when you learn so-called public health officials literally cleared Santa Monica Canyon Creek at Will Rogers State Beach clean to use.

You literally can’t travel between Malibu and Marina Beach without going through Will Rogers. It is physically and scientifically impossible that somehow this one nook in the coastline managed to miraculously remain clean while everything around it is as disgusting as the greed which made them this way. This entire situation screams “mismanagement,” both of the water testing and protection throughout LA county. 

Please do not be as stupid as these health officials either are, or think you are. Do not go swimming in a southern California beach this summer. Your health may depend upon it.