On April Fools Day, the people of L.A. will have an increase in sales tax—some to 10.5% or more. This will pay for the illegal alien’s welfare, health care, police costs to protect them from ICE, etc. Allegedly this was for homelessness. For whom, the illegal aliens? We already that that $24 billion of State money for the homeless can not be accounted for.
This is why inflation goes up, services for honest people go down and the special interests and politicians laugh at us.
“Measure A, the Los Angeles County Homelessness Services and Affordable Housing Ordinance, was approved by LA County voters in the General Election in November 2024. It imposes a countywide one-half percent (0.50%) sales tax on every $1 of goods sold in LA County to support home ownership, provide rental assistance, increase mental health and addiction treatment, reduce and prevent homelessness, and provide services for children, families, veterans, domestic violence survivors, seniors, and people who are disabled and experiencing homelessness. It repeals the Measure H countywide sales tax; the net effect of the new measure is to increase the sales and use tax rate by one-quarter percent (0.25%) on all taxable sales in Los Angeles County.”
Bottom line: the politicians will get your money and you have no idea how they will spend it. Trust government with your money?
LA County Sales Tax Increase Goes In Effect April 1, 2025
ByNews Desk, WEHO Times, 3/3/25 https://wehotimes.com/la-county-sales-tax-increase-goes-into-effect-april-1-2025/
The City of West Hollywood is reminding local shoppers and businesses that a sales tax rate change will go into effect on Tuesday, April 1, 2025. The sales tax rate in the City of West Hollywood will change from 10.25% to 10.50% due to a Los Angeles County increase.
Measure A, the Los Angeles County Homelessness Services and Affordable Housing Ordinance, was approved by LA County voters in the General Election in November 2024. It imposes a countywide one-half percent (0.50%) sales tax on every $1 of goods sold in LA County to support home ownership, provide rental assistance, increase mental health and addiction treatment, reduce and prevent homelessness, and provide services for children, families, veterans, domestic violence survivors, seniors, and people who are disabled and experiencing homelessness. It repeals the Measure H countywide sales tax; the net effect of the new measure is to increase the sales and use tax rate by one-quarter percent (0.25%) on all taxable sales in Los Angeles County.
The California Department of Tax and Fee Administration has posted a Special Notice regarding new Sales and Use Tax rates effective April 1, 2025. The Special Notice can be accessed on the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration website at https://www.cdtfa.ca.gov/formspubs/L974.pdf. This Special Notice is being mailed and emailed to California taxpayers.
The sales tax rate change is unrelated to Measure WH, which was approved by West Hollywood voters in the General Election in November 2024. Measure WH has not enacted a new sales tax. If, in the future, Los Angeles County or a regional government agency imposes a sales tax that impacts West Hollywood, Measure WH will automatically redirect one-quarter percent (0.25%) of those sales tax funds collected in West Hollywood to the City, to be used to maintain the services residents have indicated are important.
For additional information about the Los Angeles County sales tax rate change that will go into effect on Tuesday, April 1, 2025, please visit the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration website at www.cdfta.ca.gov or email the Los Angeles County Homeless Initiative at [email protected].
For more information, please contact Annie Ruiz, the City of West Hollywood’s Revenue Manager, at (323) 848-6499 or at [email protected].