LA Times Writer Celebrates Mexican Flags at Pro-Migration Street Protests

A demonstration was held on the streets and freeways of Los Angeles.  Emergency vehicles could not get through, ambulances were stopped.  People could not get to church or work.  But the L.A. Times lauded this support of criminals.

“Migrants should wave foreign flags at the protests against President Donald Trump’s enforcement of the nation’s border laws, says Gustavo Arellano, a columnist at the Los Angeles Times.

“Waving a foreign flag at protests is good trouble — a sign for the brave to rally together and stand tall against a commander in chief who understands nothing but chaos,” said Arrellano.
“I think immigrant rights protesters should wave the American flag — not just because they live here and are fighting for immigrants to be able to stay here.”

Now you know why fewer people are buying the Times.  Want a paper defending criminals and law breakers?  The Times is a great paper.  But, fewer people will spend money on this radical, bird cage poop collector.

LA Times Writer Celebrates Mexican Flags at Pro-Migration Street Protests

Neil Munro, Breitbart,  2/4/25

Migrants should wave foreign flags at the protests against President Donald Trump’s enforcement of the nation’s border laws, says Gustavo Arellano, a columnist at the Los Angeles Times.

“Waving a foreign flag at protests is good trouble — a sign for the brave to rally together and stand tall against a commander in chief who understands nothing but chaos,” said Arrellano.
“I think immigrant rights protesters should wave the American flag — not just because they live here and are fighting for immigrants to be able to stay here.”

Polls show record support for the pro-American enforcement policies that will help ordinary Americans earn decent wages and afford decent housing.

Immigration enforcement will also force political leaders and employers to focus on the critical civic and economic problems they have tried to cover up with masses of imported workers, renters, and consumers since 1990.

Yet Arrellanano defends the foreign flags by saying they supercharge migrants’ political power in Americans’ society:

The moderates have always feared that Latinos waving the flags of Mexico, El Salvador, Venezuela and other ancestral countries is political suicide — that it taps into the part of the American psyche that believes Latinos will never assimilate and are sleeper agents scheming to overthrow this country. They’ve fretted especially about the Mexican flag, which is radioactive to conservatives — it’s the banner of our southern neighbor that we’ve been at war with, officially and not, for 175-plus years.

The flag wavers are the bold ones, the ones a good team offense needs. The public opinion battle might be lost in the short term, goes such logic, but these folks will push the immigration debate toward better places.

This week’s street protests include many Mexican flags — but very few American flags.

The Californian-born son of illegal migrants from Mexico, Arrellano is a representative of those commingled migrant and ethnic politics. He chooses to downplay the vast economic and pocketbook damage to ordinary Americans, even as his wife operates a restaurant that gains from cheap labor and additional consumers.

Polls, however, show that most Americans, many legal migrants — and some illegal migrants — sympathize with Americans over distant migrants and their pro-migration allies in business. ‘

In August 2022, for example, a majority of Americans say President Joe Biden is allowing a southern border invasion, according to a poll commissioned by the left-of-center, taxpayer-supported National Public Radio.  The 54 percent “Invasion” majority includes 76 percent of Republicans, 46 percent of independents, and even 40 percent of Democrats. Just 19 percent of all respondents — or one in five — said the “invasion” term is completely false.

Migration is deeply unpopular among Americans because it damages ordinary Americans’ career opportunities, cuts their wages, and raises their rents, It also curbs their productivity, worsens inflation, shrinks their political clout, widens regional wealth gaps, and wrecks their democratic, equality-promoting civic culture.

One thought on “LA Times Writer Celebrates Mexican Flags at Pro-Migration Street Protests

  1. If the Los Angeles Times is no longer a paragon of Left-wing bias, this is proof the Times’ worst days are still not behind them. Gustavo Arellano seems to have “La Raza” written all over him. I hope the now-owner of the Times, who was bold enough to fire the Times’ editorial staff after they got butthurt that he wouldn’t endorse King Kamala, bans him from even TRYING to write an article in the Times.

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