Lacy: 64% of Likely Voters in California Oppose Newsom Granting parole to Kennedy Killer Sirhan Sirhan

In front of national TV camera’s a terrorist killed Robert Kennedy, Jr. in Jun of 1968.  Kennedy was running for President and the terrorist, Sirhan Sirhan was a Palestinian fighter against Jews and Israel.  Kennedy was a supporter of Israel, sadly his political party now supports terrorists in Palestine and oppose Israel.

Sirhan was sentenced to the death penalty.  Du to a quirk in a Supreme Court decision he was given life in prison instead.  Now, he wants out of prison.

A poll has been taken on the death penalty—and on whether Sirhan should be allowed to join his terrorist friends.  Here is the result:

“64% say “No!” to California Governor Gavin Newsom approving a parole recommendation to give freedom to Robert F. Kennedy’s assassin Sirhan Sirhan in a new scientific poll of California’s likely voters released early this month

Now it is up to Guv Newsom is determine whether Sirhan  should be able to walk the streets of Pasadena—where his brother lives—again.


James Lacy, California Political News and Views,  9/16/21

64% say “No!” to California Governor Gavin Newsom approving a parole recommendation to give freedom to Robert F. Kennedy’s assassin Sirhan Sirhan in a new scientific poll of California’s likely voters released early this month

Sirhan has been granted parole by a California board and now the panel’s decision faces a review that will require the Governor’s approval to be official.  However, California voters are overwhelmingly opposed to the Governor approving the parole board’s recommendation, according to the new poll released today.  64% oppose freedom for Sirhan, and less than 20% of likely voters support the parole board’s decision to approve his release.  The complete poll results may be downloaded hereThe methodology of the poll meets peer standards and can be downloaded here.  The poll was commissioned by James V. Lacy, President of the U.S. Justice Foundation, and conducted by the respected national polling firm of McLaughlin and Associates, whose survey research clients have included former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.  The survey research was conducted over August 30-31, in Spanish and English by live interviewers using phone, cell and text formats.  The margin of error is +/- 4%.

McLaughlin and Associates has now conducted two scientific polls this summer, one in early June and this poll, that also reveal majority support among California’s likely voters for the state’s death penalty laws.