Lacy: Governor Newsom Has Received More Than $700,000 in Behested Legal Services to Establish and Defend His Death Penalty Moratorium

When you know you are breaking the law, it is difficult to use tax dollars to defend your actions.  Guv Newsom, by Executive Order, against the law and the vote of the people of California ordered a moratorium on the death penalty.  He has become a rogue Governor.

“Rather than relying on the Attorney General’s office, Newsom has received extensive free “behested” legal services, including $405,000 in legal services from the private law firm of Boies Schiller Flexner, to help him craft his “moratorium”, as well as an additional $305,385 from the law firm of O’Melveny and Myers to defend the alleged faulty Order in court, according to public disclosures.  While the Los Angeles-based O’Melveny and Myers has represented Newsom pro bono in the legal challenge to the Executive Order, it has also received at least $600,000 in state funds representing the Newsom Administration in other cases.”

Newsom knows that even the radical Attorney General Bonta and before him Becerra, could not defend the illegal actions of the Governor.  So he went to his friends who so far have spent $700,000 trying to uphold the illegal action of Gavin Newsom.  This is just one of his many illegal actions—he is a rogue Governor and needs to be shown the door before even more people are harmed.  Joe Biden does this all the time, but he has dementia—what is Gavins’ excuse.

Governor Newsom Has Received More Than $700,000 in Behested Legal Services to Establish and Defend His Death Penalty Moratorium

 James Lacy, California Political Review,  8/13/21  

A Sacramento County Superior Court Judge has continued on its own motion to August 31, a hearing on mutual Summary Adjudication motions, in response to a lawsuit that challenges the Governor’s powers to repeal death penalty rules and dismantle the death chamber at San Quentin and which claims that the Governor’s actions establishing a death penalty “moratorium” by Executive Order in 2019 is legally flawed.

While the case is still pending, public disclosures and a news report now reveal that the Governor has accepted more than $700,000 from two major law firms to both create and defend his Executive Order.

Rather than relying on the Attorney General’s office, Newsom has received extensive free “behested” legal services, including $405,000 in legal services from the private law firm of Boies Schiller Flexner, to help him craft his “moratorium”, as well as an additional $305,385 from the law firm of O’Melveny and Myers to defend the alleged faulty Order in court, according to public disclosures.  While the Los Angeles-based O’Melveny and Myers has represented Newsom pro bono in the legal challenge to the Executive Order, it has also received at least $600,000 in state funds representing the Newsom Administration in other cases.
  Californian’s remain generally supportive of the death penalty law according to the most probative recent polling of the issue.  Early in June, the national polling firm of McLaughlin and Associates found 49% of Californians would vote No if a constitutional amendment to abolish the death penalty is placed on the ballot in 2022 by the Legislature, while 43.8% would vote Yes.  When voters are informed of issues that would be raised during a campaign to repeal the death penalty, opposition to repeal increases to a majority of 53.3% of voters saying No to abolishing California’s death penalty law, and support drops to just 40.5%.  See poll results:

About James V. Lacy

-Author of Politico Bestseller “Taxifornia”,
-Co-Host, KABC 790AM’s “Live in Taxifornia”,
-Managing Partner, Wewer & Lacy Law Firm,
-Owner, Landslide Communications,
-Publisher, California Political Review,
-President, United States Justice Foundation,