Why hasn’t the LAPD arrested the teachers and principal of this LAUSD charter school. The Administration has segregated the students without a vaccination. These students must stay outside in the cold—and not allowed to use the bathroom. My guess is that these students will drop out and not allow adults to abuse them? Would you allow your child to attend a school and not be allowed bathroom use? To stand out in the cold, while other students get to be protected in a classroom.
LA high school forces unvaxxed students outside, won’t allow bathroom breaks

Press California, 1/19/22
Los Angeles — The New West Charter School in Los Angeles is segregating students who have not taken the Covid vaccine, forcing them to sit outside on the pavement and not allowing them to use the restrooms.
Video of the abuse was shared on Instagram and Twitter by ‘Let Them Breathe,’ a parents organization founded in response to California’s K–12 student mask mandates, and advocates for mask-choice for all students, regardless of vaccination status.
“LAPD is on-site but not intervening. Litigation from Let Them Choose already pending,” the group said on social media.
The school’s position is an unusual one considering the Los Angeles Unified School District announced last month it would not enforce a student mRNA shot mandate until fall 2022.
A rally to defend the students is scheduled for 1 pm at the West Los Angles high school on West Pecos Blvd, sponsored by Let Them Breathe. Details here.
Remarks from one student.