LAUSD Apparently MOVES Jew Hating Teacher—Does NOT Fire Her

LAUSD found out, due to the parents, that an elementary school teacher hated Jews, taught that in her classroom and used social media to promote her Nazi like values.  The good news is that this person will not be teaching at Fairburn School.  But note that nowhere does it say she was fired from LAUSD.  That means she is being moved to another school to promote hatred and protected by the racists on the LAUSD School Board.

“A teacher at Westwood’s Fairburn Elementary School is no longer at the institution following a public outcry over anti-Semitic views shared online and taught in the classroom, officials said.

The controversy began to unfold after a back-to-school letter from the school’s principal introduced new staff, prompting parents to investigate further. Parents said they were shocked to discover social media posts by one of the teachers, Mx. Skye Tooley. Their posts included children’s schoolwork with slogans such as “From the River to the Sea, Palestine must be free.”

“I went from planning a big first day back ice cream social to being scared for my child to attend,” one parent said. “The issue extends beyond ignorance; it’s a focused movement promoting a biased education,” she added, noting that Tooley’s approach “actively promotes discrimination while denying the humanism of others.”

Nazi’s in our schools have no right to privacy—they are a danger to our children and educrats have no right to protect them.  Stop lying to the parents about their children’s mental health and the Hamas/Nazi’s teaching them.

Westwood Teacher No Longer at School Following Anti-Semitic Controversy

Current Staff, 8/6/24

 WESTWOOD — A teacher at Westwood’s Fairburn Elementary School is no longer at the institution following a public outcry over anti-Semitic views shared online and taught in the classroom, officials said.

The controversy began to unfold after a back-to-school letter from the school’s principal introduced new staff, prompting parents to investigate further. Parents said they were shocked to discover social media posts by one of the teachers, Mx. Skye Tooley. Their posts included children’s schoolwork with slogans such as “From the River to the Sea, Palestine must be free.”

“I went from planning a big first day back ice cream social to being scared for my child to attend,” one parent said. “The issue extends beyond ignorance; it’s a focused movement promoting a biased education,” she added, noting that Tooley’s approach “actively promotes discrimination while denying the humanism of others.”

The teacher’s social media account, containing the contentious posts, was made private on Tuesday.

In response to the growing concerns, LAUSD Board Member Nick Melvoin sent a detailed email to parents and community members, reaffirming the district’s commitment to inclusivity and tolerance. “I recently learned that a Westside elementary school had hired a teacher who espoused very publicly on social media—and also taught in their classroom—views that I find abhorrent and at odds with LA Unified’s values,” Melvoin stated. “I don’t believe that this teacher should be at this school and made my opinion clear to district administrators immediately.”

Melvoin emphasized the importance of maintaining a non-discriminatory educational environment. “Hate has no place in our school communities, and we must stop the double standards of how we react to situations depending on the group that may be harmed. I will not tolerate anti-Semitism in our classrooms, just as I will not tolerate Islamophobia, racism, homophobia, or anti-trans hate.”

The incident has also cast a spotlight on the district’s hiring practices, particularly the absence of social media vetting, which has been a point of contention among parents. “How can we trust our kids to a school all day with an organization that can’t do their homework in the hiring process?” another parent questioned.

An LAUSD spokesperson stated, “Los Angeles Unified is aware of Fairburn Elementary School’s parent concerns and is currently assessing these concerns. As legal obligations require, Los Angeles Unified keeps all personnel matters confidential. Los Angeles Unified is committed to ensuring a safe and welcoming environment for students, families, and staff and is working to resolve disputes in alignment with our policies that support and encourage a positive learning environment.”

Melvoin thanked the community for their patience as district administrators conducted a thorough investigation to ensure that the rights of all parties involved were respected, reaffirming his commitment to maintaining a safe and inclusive learning environment for all students within the district.

One thought on “LAUSD Apparently MOVES Jew Hating Teacher—Does NOT Fire Her

  1. Let us all hope that the district got it right for once and did fire her. Mx. Skye Tooley is entitled to her beliefs, but she is not authorized to share them or teach them to the students. Her beliefs are not part of the curriculum, they are opinions. Read “Personal Opinions of One Common Man” due out soon.

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