LAUSD’s greening efforts lag as the county grows hotter

LAUSD has students fleeing, a 30% absentee rate, giving out diploma’s some students can not read.  They are teaching kids to be bigots, racists and haters via CRT.  Then you have classes being used as an affiliate of the Hugh Hefner School of Sex.  Yet, they still want to spend $58 million on “greening”, those refusing to proving there is a real problem.

Now you know why parents are fleeing LAUSD—it is not an education system, it is an indoctrination center.

“As schools throughout Los Angeles Unified feel the effects of heightened temperatures, the district is lagging its greening efforts, LAist reported

In June 2022, the district allocated $58 million to outdoor education initiatives that include greening, and LAUSD board president Kelly Gonez authored a resolution that called upon Superintendent Alberto Carvalho to create a plan to green campuses by 30% by 2035.” 

LAUSD’s greening efforts lag as the county grows hotter

MALLIKA SESHADRI, EdSource,  11/16/23

As schools throughout Los Angeles Unified feel the effects of heightened temperatures, the district is lagging its greening efforts, LAist reported

In June 2022, the district allocated $58 million to outdoor education initiatives that include greening, and LAUSD board president Kelly Gonez authored a resolution that called upon Superintendent Alberto Carvalho to create a plan to green campuses by 30% by 2035. 

However, Gonez told LAist that she is still waiting. 

“We need a systemic approach from the district,” Gonez told LAist. “Not to do this in a piecemeal fashion, because we know that’s far from sufficient. It requires a really significant transformation in most cases because of the way the playgrounds have been set up. It’s not aligned to the 21st century environment our kids live in.”

A district spokesperson, however, told LAist that the Green Schoolyards For All Plan will be presented to board members in the next few weeks. 

The Los Angeles County Climate Vulnerability Assessment found that heat-prone regions of the county could experience at least 30 more days with temperatures above 90 degrees by 2050. 

That weather could also make its way further into the school year, V. Kelly Turner, associate professor of urban planning and geography at UCLA and associate director of the Luskin Center for Innovation, told LAist. 

Turner and his colleagues also found that schools tend to be among the hottest places in a community – and many schools still operate without air conditioning. 

Heat has been shown to negatively affect students’ learning, while green space can help students focus. 

“If kids live in a home without air conditioning or a cool place to go on hot days, then come to school, which also lacks cooling inside and shade outside, their core body temperatures are never getting down to safe levels,” Turner told LAist. 

“That’s going to cause them to have difficulty concentrating … and it’s going to be very, very hard for a child to learn in that context.”

Parents and community members have raised concerns about increasing temperatures and a need for more efforts to green the district’s schools. 

“It’s not a nice-to-have,” Robin Mark, the L.A. program director for Trust for Public Land, told LAist. “It’s not really cool that the yard is so pretty. That’s not what we’re going for. What we’re going for is that we’re creating environments for students to thrive.”

2 thoughts on “LAUSD’s greening efforts lag as the county grows hotter

  1. I would agree with you about priorities, except that the money is much better spent on greenery than on “education” given what they teach. At least greenery is actually a benefit.

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