Each city that is a member of the League of California Cities, most cities are members, pay dues. The dues come from YOUR tax dollars. Now, this tax funded agency is using YOUR tax dollars to campaign against you—to take MORE money from you.
“The League of California Cities Executive Director and CEO Carolyn Coleman issued the below statement:
“Cal Cities supports the Governor and Legislature in defending the fundamental governing structure and the foundational power of state and local governments by filing this petition requesting a pre-election review of the validity of the measure.
Cal Cities agrees that this review by the Court is warranted now given the measure’s far-reaching impact on local revenue streams and fiscal planning. This existential threat to government operations and the reliable functioning of California cities — the engines of our economy and home to 80% of the state’s population — cannot be overstated.”
At the same time Biden, Pelosi, Newsom and the National Socialist Party are screaming we need to “save” democracy”, they refuse to allow us to vote to save our heard earned dollars. That is how the old Soviet Union and Germany was run.
Cal Cities supports legal challenge against “taxpayer protection” ballot measure
Public CEO, 9.28/23 https://www.publicceo.com/2023/09/cal-cities-supports-legal-challenge-against-taxpayer-protection-ballot-measure/

Yesterday, the California Legislature, Gov. Gavin Newsom, and a voter, John Burton, filed an emergency petition with the Supreme Court of California seeking to remove the “Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act” initiative from the November 2024 ballot.
The League of California Cities Executive Director and CEO Carolyn Coleman issued the below statement:
“Cal Cities supports the Governor and Legislature in defending the fundamental governing structure and the foundational power of state and local governments by filing this petition requesting a pre-election review of the validity of the measure.
Cal Cities agrees that this review by the Court is warranted now given the measure’s far-reaching impact on local revenue streams and fiscal planning. This existential threat to government operations and the reliable functioning of California cities — the engines of our economy and home to 80% of the state’s population — cannot be overstated.
If this measure passes, it will upend and jeopardize City revenue streams needed to provide essential local services. Our residents expect and rely upon fire, police, and a wide range of other services — including shelter for those experiencing homelessness, safe streets and roads, the maintenance of playgrounds and sidewalks, and garbage removal. But with this measure, residents will get less.
Given what’s at stake, our cities deserve clarity sooner rather than later regarding the validity of this measure. That’s why Cal Cities will be filing an amicus letter with the California Supreme Court supporting the Legislature and the Governor’s request for a pre-election review of this dangerous measure.”
About Cal Cities
Established in 1898, the League of California Cities is a nonprofit statewide association that advocates for cities with the state and federal governments and provides education and training services to elected and appointed City officials.
California is a left-wing liberal state. Left wing liberals elect left wing politicians. Left wing politicians run most of the cities and towns in California and promote left wing corrupt policies and rules to govern. The rules and laws do not have to be fair, just lawful. So, if the majority of the population of California is left wing and they support left wing policies, then California has met the criteria of a democracy, passes a law or rule and makes that law or rule legal. If you don’t have a gazillion dollars to fight to change the system and make California more representative of your idea of fairness, then leave the state or just suck it up!