Left Wing Lunacy for May 2021

While this article is just for the month of May, 2021. It reflects the craziness of the past 12 months.  Bullying, riots and burning allowed—protests by people waving American flags are denounced.  Parents who want their children to get an education, not be taught that one race is superior and another race is inferior.  Racism and promotion of sexual activity, starting in the First Grade—is the rule, not exception in government schools.  Then you have Congress passing bills to help farmers and business owners due to the scamdemic, but only if they are not white.  Happily the courts stepped in and said the Biden/Democrat racism is unconstitutional and un-American.

“Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) and other Democrats have asked the White House to defund a police program in order to allow criminal aliens evade deportation.  AOC has also joined Democrats claiming gang members’ deportations are racist.

The definition of Hypocrisy is Nancy Pelosi placing a fine on Congressional Republicans for not wearing a mask; but Queen Nancy goes mask-less with other Democrats hugging in crowds at a White House event.  Flashback: Remember Nancy went mask-less in a beauty parlor when Americans weren’t allowed. 

UMass students suspended for off campus mask-less photo..”

Why did we listened to that serial liar Dr. Fauci.  In lied in 1982 when he said you can catch AIDS by being in the same household with someone with the disease.  Now he is caught lying about the origins of the Wuhan Virus—his emails proves he knew.  We had the wrong reaction due to his claim it was “natural”.  As I said on KPRL yesterday, I do not want Fauci fired—I want him indicted and sued.

Left Wing Lunacy for May 2021

Frank Aquila, 5/29/21 

Left-Wing Lunacy continued into May with two holidays – Mother’s Day and Memorial Day – Democrats were sure to target.  Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats elected to use the term, “birthing people” for Mother’s Day and Biden’s Pentagon refused permits for POW/MIA “Rolling to Remember” motorcycle rally making Biden the first president to reject the annual event honoring veterans.  Kamala Harris ignores Memorial Day altogether tweeting, “Enjoy the long weekend.”

During the National Day of Prayer proclamation, somehow Biden left out any mention of “God” and during Police Week, Biden’s language included the “deep sense of distrust” toward police.

Kamala Harris has now gone over two months without visiting the border since being assigned to manage the border crises, which over 750,000 illegal aliens have been free-passed into America.  She had no problem visiting the border in the past to protest; but has so far ignored the crisis.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) and other Democrats have asked the White House to defund a police program in order to allow criminal aliens evade deportation.  AOC has also joined Democrats claiming gang members’ deportations are racist.

The definition of Hypocrisy is Nancy Pelosi placing a fine on Congressional Republicans for not wearing a mask; but Queen Nancy goes mask-less with other Democrats hugging in crowds at a White House event.  Flashback: Remember Nancy went mask-less in a beauty parlor when Americans weren’t allowed. 

UMass students suspended for off campus mask-less photo.

Drug overdoses killed twice the number of people in San Francisco than Covid.

Maxine Waters moved an Air Marshal from a “high-risk” flight to her flight.  Too bad she wasn’t able to hop on Queen Nancy’s private jet.

Space Force officer lost leadership post after denouncing critical race theory and Marxism.  Claimed Biden’s military pushed training that white people are “evil.”

Democrats no longer use the term, “crime”; but now use “community violence”.  California Democrats are also considering changing robbery from a felony to a misdemeanor. It seems like their priorities are mixed up.

Walgreens has closed all 17 of their San Francisco stores due to “out of control” shoplifting of “organized retail crime.”  Criminals know since the passage of Prop 47, they can steal up to $950 and not be convicted of a felony.  It pays to commit crime in California.

St. Louis mayor vows to defund the police while the murder rate soared.

An Atlanta mayoral candidate who wants to defund the police is dragged by thieves while stealing his car.

Joe Biden says an 8-year old can be transgender; despite an increase rate in suicides and gender confusion Democrats have created.  Strange, they think injecting a cow with growth hormones is wrong; but injecting hormones to change a child’s gender is fine?

California Democrats are hard at work mandating LGBTQ clothing in clothing store with fines for any store that doesn’t comply. 

First graders in Washington State are being indoctrinated with transgender books, such as “I am Jazz” read to the class.  Yet, Disney’s “Snow White” is the latest victim of left-wing lunacy since she received a “kiss without her consent.”  Which story is healthier for the mind of children?

A Virginia elementary teacher is suspended after disputing a boy can be a girl and vice versa.

Maine Democrats introducing law to allow men to be housed with women based on “gender identity.”

The Democrat media and Social media silenced anyone (including Trump) who suggested Covid was created in a lab is a conspiracy theory; but new evidence shows China did in fact create the virus in a lab.

Biden’s Covid relief prioritizes non-white business owners. Isn’t that reverse racism?

Social media used to spread anti-Semitic, anti-Israeli violence.  Then Facebook shuts down pro-Israel page with millions of followers.

NPR News “openly admitted” Big Tech interference in elections.  Twitter suspended a politician for saying men can’t give birth.

Arizona election audit has shown no chain of custody for ballots, ballots batch counts don’t match with actual ballots, deleted databases, duplicated ballots, cut security seals, ongoing non-compliance with subpoenas, and deleted passwords to election equipment.  New Hampshire, Georgia, and Wisconsin are also conducting audits with similar findings.  Democrats, like Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, Hillary’s attorney, Marc Elias, Campaign Manager John Podesta, and Biden’s Chief of Staff Ron Klain have tried to stop the recount.  What are they trying to hide?

Sign at Lake Saint Louis, Missouri Popeyes drive-thru says, “Will reserved the right to refuse service to white people.”

The dean at Brandeis University defends critical race theory saying, “all white people” are racist, declaring she hates “whiteness.”

According to an article in the Guardian, a left-wing publication of lunacy, Apple pie is now considered racist; claiming Europeans introducing apples was “a vast and ongoing genocide of indigenous people.”

“Our election was hijacked.  There is no question.  Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.” Nancy Pelosi, May 16, 2017

That is just some of the Left-wing lunacy for May 2021.

Frank Aquila is president of the San Joaquin/Stanislaus Conservative Patriots and author of the book, “Sarah Palin Out of Nowhere.”  He can be emailed at [email protected]