Liberal Reporter Notices Something Odd About California’s Democratic Primary Results

On Tuesday, 15 States held primary elections.  By midnight, California time, 14 States had the results.  California?  We will not have the final results for 35 more days.  In fact, thanks to government approved fraud, ballots can still be received NEXT Monday, if postmarked by 8:00pm, March 5.  So anyone with a postage machine still has time to fill out ballots!  Corruption—that is the California voting.  To quote Jessica Patterson, chair of the California Republican Party, “California elections are fair and honest”. No wonder the GOP continues to lose.

Liberal Reporter Notices Something Odd About California’s Democratic Primary Results

Matt Vespa, Townhall,  3/7/24

It’s a little past 2:30 in the morning as I’m writing this post, and the California Democratic primary, held Tuesday night, only has 50 percent of the total results counted. Isn’t that disconcerting? In the United Kingdom, the general elections, which have 650 parliamentary elections, are all counted that night. Our British cousins know which government will be elected or not on the same day. 

Liberal reporter Michael Tracey posted over 10 hours ago about how this pace was disconcerting, mocking the progressive Left by noting his comments would make him an “election denier.” From roughly 5 PM yesterday afternoon to 9:41 PM, the latest tranche of votes was counted via The New York Times. The primary vote percentage counted in that period went from 45 percent to 50 percent. It hasn’t been updated since. 

The slow pace is mostly due to the deluge of mail-in ballots, which produced an avalanche of media stories about why California will be dragging its feet in tabulating all the votes. Still, it is a full day, and they barely reach 50 percent as we approach 3 AM here. 


These long, torturous periods are breeding grounds for folks wary of rigged elections and voter fraud. Sure, California supposedly has a review system, signature verification etc., but that hasn’t stopped people from making allegations.

One thought on “Liberal Reporter Notices Something Odd About California’s Democratic Primary Results

  1. We know for a fact that voters who are dead and have moved out of state are still voting in our county. We have just purchased a new $500,000 piece of equipment to verify signatures too So much corruption is hard to keep up with.

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