Even with the high level of rain last year and the expected similar rain this year, California has a lack of water. This is not caused by lack of rain; it is caused by a surplus of government. We are now in the process of closing down FOUR dams. We are not building new water storage facilities. So all the rain you get is wasted—most flowing into the ocean. But one water district wants to get its water from the ocean via desalinization.
““What we promised our customers is to look into desalination as a viable option for us to bring in more water to the district,” he said.
Officials are hoping that they can bring in precisely 10 million gallons of fresh water a day to the district.
The water district has partnered with a company called Ocean Well to use the Las Virgenes Reservoir to test desalination pods before potentially setting up the cylinders miles off the coast of California.
“We are a very forward-thinking water agency where we put environmental-first concepts and thoughts before really anything,” McNutt said.
If you control water, you control California, the less water the lower the standard of living and the higher the inflation rate. This is one of the ways National Socialist Democrats control us.
Local water district floats plan to turn ocean water into drinking water

by: Pedro Rivera, Josh DuBose, KTLA, 9/19/23Rhttps://ktla.com/news/local-news/local-water-district-floats-plan-to-turn-ocean-water-into-drinking-water/E
A local water district is proposing an ambitious plan to turn ocean water into drinking water, and while the idea of a “Blue Water Farm” sounds promising, some environmental groups say that ocean desalination should be a last resort and that more can be done to conserve water in affluent communities.
Over the last two years, customers of the Las Virgenes Municipal Water District (LVMWD) have seen restrictions and fines over how much water they use.
“The reason for that is because we have one singular source of water, which is the [California] State Water Project,” LVMWD Communications Manager Mike McNutt told KTLA.
McNutt added that the water district is exploring new ways to keep lawns lush and green in big-money neighborhoods like Calabasas, Westlake Village and Hidden Hills.
“What we promised our customers is to look into desalination as a viable option for us to bring in more water to the district,” he said.
Officials are hoping that they can bring in precisely 10 million gallons of fresh water a day to the district.
The water district has partnered with a company called Ocean Well to use the Las Virgenes Reservoir to test desalination pods before potentially setting up the cylinders miles off the coast of California.
“We are a very forward-thinking water agency where we put environmental-first concepts and thoughts before really anything,” McNutt said.
According to Ocean Well, the deep-sea pods use up to 40% less energy than traditional desalination plants by using natural energy from the ocean pressure to filtrate water. Additionally, the company says the pods will produce very little brine or byproduct that will harm marine life.
Charming Evelyn, with the Sierra Club California, an organization dedicated to protecting the environment and combating climate change, said the new technology has potential but believes seafloor desalination should be viewed as a last resort.
In a statement to KTLA, Evelyn wrote:
“It’s new innovative technology and we were one of the first to endorse on record and support Las Virgenes MWD with their pilot Pure Water Facility many years ago. However, ocean desalination should be of the last resort. We do understand that Las Virgenes imports most of its water, but they also have some of the highest water users. We’d like to see them get their clientele down to the state requirement of using 55 gallons of water per day per person indoors.
Las Virgenes is already working on recycled water with their Pure Water Facility and the state is working on regulations for Direct Potable Reuse, which is a game changer in water resilience and sustainability. We would like to see more water conservation, more rebates for renters, who make up 60% of the population and purchase appliances – currently most rebates only go to homeowners. Implementation of graywater systems, they are legal in the state of CA, water cisterns and rain barrels use and stormwater capture.
Infrastructure repair (leaks) and earthquake retrofitting and last but not least an avenue where renters can file complaints against landlords who refuse to fix issues, such as toilet/faucet leaks and irrigation spigots, that waste a lot of water.”
McNutt said he agrees with the idea that seafloor desalination should only be used as a last resort option.
“We are at that point at this point and time with the issues, the environmental and water issues that we see throughout the state of California,” he said.
For those wondering when the Blue Water Farm will be completed, there is testing that needs to be done first before the seafloor pumps, pipes and pods can be built. The project would also require state approval, which could take a substantial amount of time.
Save existing dams; increase water storage from rainfall. CA is totally mismanaged, as is Santa Barbara County. Desalination definitely is a choice of a last resort. Why during drought years did Sanra Barbara not dredge Lake Cachuma? Santa Barbara City Water customers have twice paid for desal plants $$$$$. Water costs are much more expensive now with desal and plant costs, but there’s water.
I recently learned from a very reliable agency that the four dams scheduled for closure are structurally failing and cannot be repaired. These are small dams and the cost/benefit analysis for rebuilding them doesn’t work. The existing many, many other dams in California are well managed and there is no anticipation for additional dam closures than these four.
Desalinization of the ocean water should only be a very last resort due to cost in the billions. And perhaps the technology will improve over time so as not to kill so many whales and other marine life.
Desalinization requires high electric consumption. Water retention is far less costly.
In chasing green energy California is shuttering clean natural gas burning electricity generators. Generators that can and were using their waste heat to produce steam and distillate.
These closures are created by the carbon credit scheme abandoned by the Fed but embraced by our radical state government.
Here’s an idea – allot social credit scores earned by generating clean water to offset the carbon credits used to produce it.