London Breed has a ‘gotcha’ moment for her challenger because he can’t name three drag queens

This is not a joke.  We know that San Fran is in the DOOM LOOP.  Crime, drugs, illegal aliens, gangs and homeless control the streets.  The city has a deficit of almost $1 billion—and it looks worse in the future years.  In November, they will hold an election, to see who will be the Captain of the Titanic, ur, Mayor of the City as it drowns.  So what is the most important question asked during a recent Mayoral debate?

“Breed’s first term is coming to an end, though she’s running for reelection this November, and last night a handful of candidates met on the debate stage; according to a Breitbart report, each mayoral candidate had the chance to pose a question to a rival, and Breed took the chance to confront Mark Farrell for his questionable LGBTQ support:

‘I’d like to ask Mark a question. You were at the Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club and couldn’t name any LGBT advisers to your campaign. You were at the debate last week and couldn’t name any drag queens on your own,’ Breed said.

‘I was wondering if you could — this is an opportunity to redeem yourself. And if you could name three LGBTQ advisers for your campaign and three drag queens in San Francisco,’ she asked.”

Now you understand why San Fran is a dead city.  The city is drowning in debt and crime—but Mayor Breed is concerned about the sexual orientation of another candidate’s advisors!   This is just sick.

London Breed has a ‘gotcha’ moment for her challenger because he can’t name three drag queens

By Olivia Murray, American Thinker, 6/17/24

You’d think that this story came from the theater of the absurd, but it actually comes from the left coast enclave of San Francisco: Mayor London Breed had a “gotcha” moment for a Democrat challenger: Can you even name three drag queens in the city? Too bad it wasn’t me on stage, because I could have rattled off a few good guesses: Mrs. Doubtfire, Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, Bugs Bunny, Michelle Obama (when he’s in town), and Paul Pelosi (probably).

Now, perhaps I’m just splitting hairs by suggesting that a tale out of San Francisco and an “absurd” production are two different things—I mean does it get more cliché than a radical progressive Democrat from Harvey Milk’s stomping grounds resorting to perverted trivia questions for brownie points? File this into the “you can’t make this stuff up” category.

Breed’s first term is coming to an end, though she’s running for reelection this November, and last night a handful of candidates met on the debate stage; according to a Breitbart report, each mayoral candidate had the chance to pose a question to a rival, and Breed took the chance to confront Mark Farrell for his questionable LGBTQ support:

‘I’d like to ask Mark a question. You were at the Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club and couldn’t name any LGBT advisers to your campaign. You were at the debate last week and couldn’t name any drag queens on your own,’ Breed said.

‘I was wondering if you could — this is an opportunity to redeem yourself. And if you could name three LGBTQ advisers for your campaign and three drag queens in San Francisco,’ she asked.

In the midst of surging crime, unprecedented civic and societal dysfunction, a cost-of-living crisis, and a multi-billion dollar state deficit, I’m glad that bickering over who can name the most drag queens was the priority, which is obviously “critical knowledge” for managing a city’s affairs. Democrats—focusing on what really matters, am I right? As someone in the comments noted, San Francisco “was once a destination city” but “now people download a poop map” before braving the streets.

Farrell was actually unable to name the “queens” for the second time in a row, sidestepping that portion of the question, thus remaining “unredeemed,” but he did confirm that he had queers on staff, though he wasn’t willing to identify them—oh he’s qualified alright! Farrell maintains the same progressive Democrat ideas as Breed, so his tenure would obviously be just as destructive, but from where I sit, his inability to recall a single “queen” is actually a positive.

3 thoughts on “London Breed has a ‘gotcha’ moment for her challenger because he can’t name three drag queens

  1. This is what politics in America has come down to. Let’s not discuss policy, vision, objectives or solutions for the betterment of the community/Country, let us discuss ice cream flavors and any other stupid subject at hand. Democrat Politicians know their democrat voters in San Francisco. Emotional but not very bright!

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