Los Angeles County Government: Entertainers are Better Than Us—Rules Don’t Count for Them

Like in the Soviet Union, Los Angeles has two laws—one for the people and another for the ruling class.  The Emmys showed that entertainers are better than us.

“The Los Angeles County Department of Health defended the maskless 2021 Emmy Awards Monday and said it was not in violation of the county’s mask mandate because “television” productions are granted “exceptions.”

“LA County’s Health officer order requires everyone to wear a mask indoors, whether vaccinated or unvaccinated,” read a statement from the health department, obtained by a CNN reporter. “However, exceptions are made for film, television, and music productions, as additional safety modifications are made for these controlled interactions,” the statement added. “The Emmy Awards Show is a television production, and persons appearing on the show are considered performers.”

It is obvious the mask rule is about control not health.  A mask is as worthless as Joe Biden and just as coherent.  In a restaurant if you are sated you do not need a mask.  If you stand you do—as if standing creates the virus and sitting dos not.  Whoever came up with the rules is as demented as Joe Biden.

LA County Defends Maskless Emmy Awards Due To ‘Exceptions’ For ‘Performers’

Katie Jerkovich, Daily Caller,   9/20/21     

The Los Angeles County Department of Health defended the maskless 2021 Emmy Awards Monday and said it was not in violation of the county’s mask mandate because “television” productions are granted “exceptions.”

“LA County’s Health officer order requires everyone to wear a mask indoors, whether vaccinated or unvaccinated,” read a statement from the health department, obtained by a CNN reporter. “However, exceptions are made for film, television, and music productions, as additional safety modifications are made for these controlled interactions,” the statement added. “The Emmy Awards Show is a television production, and persons appearing on the show are considered performers.”

The statement goes on to explain how the people who attended this year’s Emmys were “fully vaccinated” against COVID-19 and that each person in the show provided a “verified negative” PCR test 48 hours before the show.

“The Emmys reached out to Public Health in advance to share their safety protocols, which exceeded the baseline requirements for television and film productions,” the statement read. “Careful planning before large events is essential to assure that all health and safety requirements are adequately addressed.”

During the show Sunday, actor Seth Rogen mocked the event for how it wasn’t adhering to coronavirus safety protocols.


“Let me start by saying, there’s way too many of us in this little room!” Rogen said. “What are we doing? They said this was outdoors! It’s not!”

“They lied to us,” he added. “We’re in a hermetically sealed tent right now. I would not have come to this! Why is there a roof?”