Los Angeles Times Announces Layoffs of Over 20% of Newsroom Staff

Slowly, the LA Times, actually the El Segundo Times, has discredited itself.  That shows by its declining revenues, declining readers and paper thin, think toilet paper, newspaper.

“The Los Angeles Times has made a significant announcement, revealing plans to lay off at least 115 people, which constitutes more than 20% of its newsroom staff. This move marks one of the most substantial workforce reductions in the newspaper’s 142-year history, according to a report by the LA Times.”

The Times endorsement of the pro-criminal DA, George Gascon/Soros, gives further proof it is the mouthpiece of the Progressive, anti-freedom, movement.  Who wants to read Pravda everyday?

BREAKING: Los Angeles Times Announces Layoffs of Over 20% of Newsroom Staff

https://www.westsidecurrent.com/news/breaking-los-angeles-times-announces-layoffs-of-over-20-of-newsroom-staff/article_4c33abe4-ba1d-11ee-ac2c-37c90b6a46e9.html?utm_source=westsidecurrent.com&utm_campaign=%2Fnews%2Fbreaking-los-angeles-times-announces-layoffs-of-over-20-of-newsroom-staff%2Farticle-4c33abe4-ba1d-11ee-ac2c-37c90b6a46e9.html%3Fmode%3Demail%26-dc%3D1706034788&utm_medium=auto%20alert%20email&utm_content=read%20moreWestside Current, 1/23/24  

LOS ANGELES -The Los Angeles Times has made a significant announcement, revealing plans to lay off at least 115 people, which constitutes more than 20% of its newsroom staff. This move marks one of the most substantial workforce reductions in the newspaper’s 142-year history, according to a report by the LA Times.

The decision comes amidst projections of another year of substantial financial losses for the publication. Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong, the owner of the Los Angeles Times, emphasized that these cuts were deemed necessary as the newspaper couldn’t sustain annual losses of $30 million to $40 million without making progress towards building a larger readership, which would attract advertising and subscriptions needed for the organization’s sustainability.

The announcement followed a series of notable resignations. On Monday, Los Angeles Times Managing Editor Sara Yasin submitted her resignation. Yasin’s departure occurred just over a week after Executive Editor Kevin Merida’s sudden exit, in which he cited differences with Soon-Shiong as the reason for his departure. Shani Hilton had also stepped down the previous week. It is noteworthy that Merida and Hilton were the two highest-ranking Black editors at The Times.

Yasin, in a note to staff members, cited “professional and personal decisions” for her decision to leave.

“The short version: I’d like to do something different,” Yasin wrote Monday. “I’ve spent the last several years as a newsroom leader, which has allowed me to put my management and problem-solving skills to use but I miss being closer to storytelling.” 

In Tuesday’s announcement, Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong expressed the need for drastic changes, including new leadership focused on strengthening the newspaper’s journalism to become indispensable to a broader readership. He stated, “Today’s decision is painful for all, but it is imperative that we act urgently and take steps to build a sustainable and thriving paper for the next generation. We are committed to doing so.”

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