Now your local library has become a forum for radicalism. They used to be for reading and learning. Today they are a political operation, to oppose American values.
“The Communist head of the American Library Association (ALA) said that public schools and libraries need to be “sites of socialist organizing” at the Socialism 2023 conference in Chicago over the weekend.
Self-avowed “Marxist Lesbian” Emily Drabinski was initially scheduled to be a featured speaker at the event, but her session was quietly canceled after conservative media publicized her Marxist leanings earlier this year, according to independent journalist Karlyn Borysenko, who infiltrated the event.”
Looks like a library is an affiliate of the Socialist Party.
‘Marxist Lesbian’ Head of American Library Association Says Public Education and Libraries Need to Be ‘Sites of Socialist Organizing’

By Debra Heine, American Greatness, 9/5/23
The Communist head of the American Library Association (ALA) said that public schools and libraries need to be “sites of socialist organizing” at the Socialism 2023 conference in Chicago over the weekend.
Self-avowed “Marxist Lesbian” Emily Drabinski was initially scheduled to be a featured speaker at the event, but her session was quietly canceled after conservative media publicized her Marxist leanings earlier this year, according to independent journalist Karlyn Borysenko, who infiltrated the event.
The Socialist conference featured dozens of far-left speakers, including infamous communists Bill Ayers and Angela Davis. The schedule included panels on “Kids as Comrades”; “The Environmental Injustices of American Capitalism”; “Putting Police Abolition into Practice”; “Fighting For Our Lives, Abortion and Trans Lives Under Attack”; “Sex Work, Policing and Border Abolition”; “Building a Utopian Socialist Vision”; “StopCopCity”; “Fighting Fascism in Florida”; “Family Abolition Today”; and “the Coming Transformation.”
The the four-day event also held “a radical drag show” and a screening on “How to Blow Up a Pipeline.”
Although Drabinski was removed from the speaking roster, she still attended sessions at the conference, Borysenko reported, including a September 2 panel titled “Freedom to Learn: Black And Asian American Solidarity Against Attacks on Antiracist Education.” Presenters on this panel reportedly discussed “how to smuggle socialist ideas like Critical Race Theory into the classroom even when the law outlaws it,” according to Borysenko. They reportedly called the subversive effort “fugitive pedagogy.”
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After the discussion, attendees were given the opportunity to comment and Drabinski got in line to speak.
When it was her turn, she said, “I just want to say thank you for bringing up libraries, and classroom libraries, but also school libraries of all kind, public libraries and higher education library who have been under attack in similar ways.”
Drabinski seemed to acknowledge in her comments that fellow Marxists use the education system to target children for indoctrination.
“I think your point that public education needs to be a site of socialist organizing—I think libraries really do too—and that happens,” she said.
Drabinski stressed in her convoluted remarks that there is a particular need for socialist “organizing” in libraries.
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“But I think there’s real opportunity here to both connect with what is happening in public education, what’s happening in libraries, but also, we need help in the libraries. We need to be on the agenda of socialist organizing,” she said.